Episode 59 : Remember The Name

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It Is Still Night.... At The Secret Factory Of The Villegas... Inside The Office........

Mr. Lopez: (Unconscious)
Jolo: (Stares Angrily At Mr. Lopez)
Hunter: Jolo... Is It Really Okay? That You Want Your Very Own Dad To Be Killed....
Jolo: (Looks Ta Hunter) I Told You Hunter....... We Are The Family Here..... He Never Made All Of Us A Family...... He Made A Lot Of Crimes That Should've Been Known But It Is Too Late So That Instead Of Being Imprisoned Or Anything..... He Must Be Stopped So That He Cannot Abuse And Harm A Lot Of People..........
James: I Thought It Will Be Because He Was Not A Good Father.....
Jolo: It Is Also A Part Of It...... He Wasn't Fair In Treating The Both Of Us.... It Is Too Obvious That He Loved My Brother More Than Me.... And I Am Not Even Wishing He Loved Me More.... I Wish He Was Fair......
Troy: (Enters The Room) So...... Guys....
Hunter: Oh Troy... You Are Here Now....... Are You Done Installing The Zipline From The Window Here To The Yacht?
Troy: Yes... Marianne, Tristan And Hera Helped Me There......
Hunter: (Walks Out Of The Room) So...... Jolo... We Wanna Leave You Here Now.... We Are Gonna Install The Machine Now.... And You Have Your Hours Left Before You Leave Using The Zipline.........
Jolo: Okay... You Can Leave Me Here......
Hunter: Are You Sure You Won't Gonna Be Harmed If Ever He Wakes Up?
Jolo: Yes.....
James: Lets Go.... We Still Have To Paint Something And.... The Gunpowders........
Troy: Lets Leave!!!
*James, Troy And Hunter Walks Out Of The Office*
Jolo: See You Later Guys......
Hunter: See Ya! (Smiles) (Closes The Door)
Tristan: (Approaches Hunter) Hunter..... We Have Done Scattering Gunpower All Over The Place Now...
Hunter: Oh Thank You!!!
Marianne: (Gives Hunter A Bucket Of Paint) So.... Here Is The Pain Inside The Yacht..... I Don't Know What Is This For?
Hera: He Will Gonna Write His Pen Name Isagani There So That Before The Person Dies... A Question Will Gonna Never Leave His Mind....
Hunter: No.... (Dips A Brush To The Paint Bucket) I Will Not Gonna Paint Isagani For Now........ I Just Realized That I Won't Leave The Isagani Name As The Question They Will Be Having Till Their Death...
James: Then What Will You Write?
Tristan: Hunter? Your Real Name... Right?
Hunter: Yes.... Instead Of Questioning Isagani.... I Will Gonna Write Hunter Montoya...... So That They Will Have The Chance To Know That A Montoya Toon Them Down...... They Can Sue Me And Call The Police But..... They Are Now Dead.... My Name Will Be The Last Thing They Will See Before They Die.......
Tristan: That Is So Scary....... And I Like It...
Marianne: They Will Like... Bring Your Name To Hell..... And They Will Suffer From It....... A Late Realization That It Was You......
Hunter: Yeah... (Paints His Name "Hunter Montoya" On The Wall) Just Like Engineer Rob........ Mr. Lopez Will Meet Hell Early Than He Think........
Tristan: ......
James: ......
Marianne: ....
Hera: ........

It Is Now Dawn..... Hunter And The Others Went Inside The Yacht........ While Jolo Is Inside The Office.......

Jolo: (Sits On A Couch) (Watches Mr. Lopez Lying On The Floor) I Am Sorry Dad If I Am Such A Demon To Do This..... How Could Someone Kill His Very Own Father.... But..... I Want You To Know That...... Among Us.... You Are Teh Demon!!! (Crying) And You Deserve To Be In Hell So That No One Will Harm You Anymore!!! (Stands Up) (Picks Up A Lighter) Lights Up Some Candles Around His Father) Rest In Peace In Advance Father!

After A Few Hours..... It Is Now Morning...... The Candle Lights Haven't Fade.... Mr. Lopez Is Now Awake........

Jolo: (Looks Through His Window)
Mr. Lopez: (Looks Around) (Yawns) (Sees Some Candles) Huh?? Where Am I????
Jolo: (Looks At Mr. Lopez)
Mr. Lopez: (Looks At Jolo) Jolo? Why Am I Here????
Jolo: (Nervous)
Mr. Lopez: Wait.... You Brought Me Here?! You Were The One Who Put Sleeping Pills In My Drink... Right?
Jolo: Am I The One Who Did That???
Mr. Lopez: (Walks To Jolo) How Dare You Do That To Your Father? (Holds Jolo's Shirt)
Jolo: Were You a Father To Me?!
Mr. Lopez: (Screams) Argh!! (Slams Jolo To The Office) You Are Such a Big Mess In Our Family!!!!
Jolo: (Feels Pain) (Lips Are Bleeding)
Mr. Lopez: (Angry) (About To Approach Jolo) If You Wanna Kill Me, Then Let Me Kill You First!
Jolo: No!! (Kicks Mr. Lopez On The Face)
Mr. Lopez: (Feels Pain) (Falls On The Ground)
Jolo: (About To Approach The Window)
Mr. Lopez: (Stands Up) (Pulls Jolo's Face And Slams To The Window) Stupid Son!! Stupid Gay!!!
*The Window Glass Smashes And Breaks*
Jolo: (Feels Dizzy)

At The Yacht........

Hunter: (Sees The Window Breaks From The Building) What Is Happening?
James: He Is In Trouble...
Tristan: We Need To Help Him....
Hunter: No Wait......
Hera: What Do You Mean No? He Is Getting Killed! The Opposite Of What You Want....
Hunter: He Can Fight.... I Trust Him...
Marianne: You Are Right... Jolo Is A Strong Person.....

Back At The Office.......

Mr. Lopez: (About To Push Jolo Down The Window) Rest In Peace Useless Son!!!
Jolo: (Stares Angrily At Mr. Lopez) No... Rest In Peace Dad!!! (Nutshots Mr. Lopez)
Mr. Lopez: (Falls Back To The Candles) (The Candles Starts To Burn The Carpet)
*The Place Starts To Burn*
Jolo: (Starts Wearing Harness For The Zipline)
Mr. Lopez: (Looks At Jolo) Jolo... Help Me With These Fire?
Jolo: Sorry Dad But You Should Get Used To The Fire.... Like You Will Have In Hell..... (Rides The Zipline)
Mr. Lopez: Son!! (Runs To The Window) (His Outfit Is Burning) (Angry) (Sees Jolo Leaving)
Jolo: (Stares Angrily At Mr. Lopez) (Holding The Harness)
Mr. Lopez: (Runs Immediately To The Door) I Am Gonna Make Sure You Won't Leave This Place Alive...... (Opens The Door) (Immediately Walks Outside)
*The Lighter Machine Opens*
*The Fire Starts to Burn The String*
Mr. Lopez: (Looks At The Written Name On The Wall) Hunter Montoya? Montoya?!!! (Eyes Widens) (Looks Around) (Sees Some Oil Can And Oil Scattered On The Floor) (Looks At The Fire Crawling The String) No! No! No!! (Looks At Hunter's Name) (Tears Falls Om His Face)

At The Yacht.......

Hunter: Jolo... Hang On There... We Will Catch You!!!
James: (Drives The Yacht) We Need To Leave Now Or We Can Be Part Of The....... Explosion!!!

At The Hallway Inside The Factory.....

*The Fire Starts Spreading Around The Place*
*The Fire Touches The Gunpowder*

This Coming Episode Is The Last Episode....... Lets Hold Tight........

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