Episode 29 : Outside For A Day

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The Next Day.... At The Garage Of James........

James: (Fixes The Car)
Troy: Man! (Fixes The Car) I Never Done This For Ages.... Me And My Dad Used To Do This And I Can Say That It Was Our Very Own Bonding......
James: Yeah!! This Is A Nice Bonding Though.......
Hera: (Enters The Garage) Hey Guys.... What's Up?
James: Oh..... We Are Just Fixing The Car That Will Be More Likely Our Vehicle In Spying The Suspects...
Troy: And More Likely.... Us..... And Not You....
Hera: Hey! But....... Hunt And I Am Now Okay....
Troy: And That Doesn't Include Your Safety..... You Know... Since You Made Up With Him...... He Will Be More Likely To Make You More Safe.... Well, He Will Let You Die If He Was So So So Mad At You........
Hera: Its Still Unfair...... You Guys Are Discriminating Women!
James: Excuse Me! We Are Making You Girls Live In Safety....... You Guys Should Be Thankful That We Boys Are Just Gonna Kill Ourselves Just For You Girls To Be Safe.....
Hera: Whatever!
Troy: I Agree With James.... Do You Want To Be Next To Mom And Dad?
Hera: No?
Troy: Then Scram And Do Something Fun For Yourself.....
Hera: No Way I Will Scram..........
Troy: Ugh!
Hera: So Where Is Tris And Hunt?
James: Friendship Bonding.... Too Bad We Were On This!
Hera: And Now He Is Enjoying Life For Now..... How Come He Does That Secretly!
James: Well...... Hunter Might Be Okay With You But Still..... He Is Positively Greedy...... He Doesn't Know You Well, He Might Still Wanna Avoid You........
Hera: Ugh! (Rolls Her Eyes)

At The Mall....... Hunter And Tristan Were There......

Hunter: So Tris.... Anything You Want? I Got Your Back!
Tristan: Where Did You Get All Of Your Money???
Hunter: I Got Sources...... Dad's People Are My People Still..... And Even Though I Am The Son..... They Won't Tell Mom About It.......
Tristan: Damn! But.... Are You Sure That.... We Are Gonna Waste Lot Of Money.......
Hunter: I Never Said I Am Gonna Waste A Lot Of Money.. (Smiles Widely) Hahahaha...... You Ah! So You Want A Lot?
Tristan: Haha... (Blushes) I Never Said It.......
Hunter: Oh Tristan....... Tell Me Anything You Want For You And Your Siblings...... I Will Give You All Like.... Haha... Spoiling.....
*Few People Looks At Hunter*
Hunter: (Looks Down A Bit)
Tristan: What's Wrong Bro?
Hunter: They Know Me Duh! They Shouldn't Know That I Was Saves By The Waves.......
Tristan: Okay?

At The Mansion Of The Arciello's......... At Bridgette's Room....

Bridgette: (Watches TV)
*Luna, Ryan And Mozart Enters The Room*
Luna: Hey Girl! Bridge.... Join Us?
Bridgette: Where Are You Guys Going?
Mozart: We Are Gonna Go To The Mall.... Siblings And Cousins Day.........
Bridgette: Oh....... Okay?
Luna: So You Gonna Come?
Bridgette: Nope!
Ryan: Bridgette..... Why Not Come Out For Just Once!
Bridgette: Wow! Coming From Ryan Arciello! An Arciello.... What I Know Is.... Dad Wants Be To Stay Here And That Is What I Am Doing?
Ryan: What Is Wrong With You........
Luna: Cmon Bridge... Join Us...
Mozart: We Haven't Yet Bonded For Months...
Bridgette: (Looks Seriously At Ryan) Fine! Just Don't Make Me Get In Anyone's Control! (Left)

After A Few Minutes..... The Arciello's Went To The Mall..........

Cyra: Ugh! Almost Fun But........ I Wish I Wasn't Here.....
Luna: Cyra!!! This Isn't Bad.......
Bridgette: (Seriously Walking)
Ryan: Bridgette..... Smile!
Bridgette: Excuse Me?
Ryan: Smile I Said...... Cmon Enjoy! How Much Do You Want..... Buy Dresses.... Go Play Arcade.......
Cyra: I Am Out Of This... Gonna Check On The Make Up Store! (Left)
Luna: (Pulls Bridgette) Wanna Go To The Record Store.......
Bridgette: (Rolls Her Eyes) Sure.... Just Make Sure I Am Far Away From What I Want To Do!
*Luna And Bridgette Left*
Ryan: (Stares Seriously At Bridgette)
Mozart: Your Sister Seems.... Different Now!
Ryan: Hunter Started This....
Mozart: Who's Hunter?
Ryan: Remember...... Hunter Montoya......
Mozart: .........

At The Record Store.........

Hunter: (Examines CDs)
Tristan: (Holds A Push Cart Full Of Random Expensive Stuffs) (Looks At The Stuffs) Bro..... Are You Still Gonna Buy More? This Worth's $10,000.......
Hunter: Wrong... Its $20,000
Tristan: See.....
Hunter: Its Not Bad...... This Is Still Cheap Buying For Me....... Not Yet Got My Satisfaction!
Tristan: And This Is Way Too Over My Satisfaction When Buying....... (Picks Up A Box Of Condom) And Seriously? A Condom? We Are More Likely Boys In Our Home.... Who You Gonna Fuck! Unless You Like My Sister......
Hunter: (Keeps Examining CDs) Me And Your Sister Are Fine But..... Sorry..... I Have No Feelings For Your Sister............
Tristan: If She Was Here...... She Will Get Mad At Hearing That Even If She Doesn't Like You Too........
Hunter: i Don't Like Her More Than She Doesn't Like Me.......
Tristan: So.... Why You Gonna Fuck?
Hunter: (Seriously Looking At Tristan) Seriously? I Know We Are Super Close Now But........ Its Still My Privacy........ (Puts Down A Lot Of CDs)
*Luna And Bridgette Enters The Shop*
Luna: (Runs To A Pile Of CDs) Damn! Sales!
Bridgette: Girl! Calm Down!
Hunter: (Hears Bridgette) (In His Mind) That Sounds Familiar! (Sees Bridgette)
Bridgette: (Looks Directly At Luna)
Hunter: (Eyes Widens) Its Her......
Bridgette: (Sees Hunter) (Looks Back At Luna) Ugh! Luna.... I'll Be Back! I Hate To Be Here Especially If Rappers Rules This Year's Industry...... (About To Leave)
Hunter: Damn! Hide Me.... (Turns Around)
Tristan: (Blocks Hunter) Who Is Her Anyway?
Bridgette: (Eyes Widens) (Remembers The Boy) Wait... Was That Hunter? (Turns Back) (Sees Tristan)
Tristan: (Secretly Looks At Bridgette)
Bridgette: (Feels Weird) I Taught I Saw Him... It Was Hunter But..... Why? (Left)
Hunter: Is She Gone? (Peaks At Bridgette Leaving)
Tristan: Who Is Her?

Its Now Dusk....... Tristan And Hunter Are Hanging Out At The Parking Lot Of The Mall While Waiting For Service With Their Starbucks.....

Tristan: Hunter....
Hunter: Why Tristan?
Tristan: Was I The First One To See You This Happy So Bad?
Hunter: Why People Like You Care For Me And My Happiness?
Tristan: Its Just Rare.... And Right That You Are So Happy Behind Trouble....... You Need This Though...
Hunter: Well.... Yeah..... Not Really Cause Dad Robert, Hiker Did Felt This Kind Of Happiness..... They By Friends.... You Are Third... Following James..... And The Girl We Seen Earlier....... Bridgette........
Tristan: Oh.... (Smiles) So Glad To Be Third Place..... Is That Bridgette Something To You?
Hunter: She And I Are Close.... Despite That Her Dad Is Our Family's Biggest Enemy......
Tristan: So... Wait... Is She An Arciello?
Hunter: Yes She Is.... She's An Arciello.......

First Time Reading Hunter This Happy? What Do You Think? Who Do You Broship Here? JaNter? HikeTer? Or TrisTer?

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