Episode 38 : Escape The Sin

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At The Backyard Door Of The Mansion Of Eng. Rob.......

James: Lets Start Guys?
Tristan: What If He Attacks Us... What If He Has A Gun Too......
Hunter: Then This Is A 50:50 Survival.......
James: (About To Open The Door)
Hunter: Wait.... Lets Find The Generator Of This Mansion...... For Him To Fail Opening The Lights.......
James: Okay.... I Will Find That! (Left)

At The Bedroom Of Eng. Rob......

Eng. Rob: (About To Open The Lights) (Slowly Clicks The Switch) (Crying)
*The Lights Open*
Eng. Rob: (Returns To The Bed) (Looks Around)
*The Lights Turned Off*
Eng. Rob: (Crying) (Screams) Argh!!!! No! (Walks To The Switch) (Clicks The Switch)
*The Lights Doesn't Turn On*
Eng. Rob: (Crying) No! No! Please!!!! Hunter... Forgive Me On What I Have Done!!!!!! (Looks Down) Wait.... (Turns Serious) No! No! Why Am I Asking For Forgiveness... Who Am I? (Angry) Hunter Is Just A Kid...... (Angry) (Walks To A Safe) (Opens A Lock) (Takes Out A Pistol) (Angry) (Screams) I Am Not Scared Of Anyone!!!!! I Am Not Scared Of You Hunter!!!!!!!!

At The Living Room........

*Hunter, Tristan, James And Troy Hears Eng. Rob*
Tristan: Lets Now Hide......
Hunter: (Probably Split Out) (Hides Behind The Sofa)
James: (Hides Behind The Broken Curtains)
Tristan: (Hides Back At The Kitchen)
Troy: (Hides Behind The Other Side Of The Sofa)

At The Corridor Of The Bedrooms.....

Eng. Rob: (Readies His Gun) Hunter? (Nervous) Come Out Wherever You Are! Just Wanna Talk To You..... (Walks Downstairs)

At The Living Room......

Hunter: ......
James: ....
Troy: ........
Eng. Rob: (Enters The Room) Hunter????? Or Maybe...... Isagani..... I Know Its Been A While... (Slowly Enters The Room) (Looks Around) Been A While Since We Met.... The Last Time I Guess Was Back When Your Father Was Still There...... (Walks Near The Broken Center Table)
James: (Sees Eng. Rob)
Tristan: (Peeks At Eng. Rob) (Sees James)
James: (Signals Tristan To Fire)
Tristan: (Gulps) (Locks The Gun) (Points The Gun To Eng. Rob) (Fires The Gun)
Eng. Rob: (Sees Tristan Shooting Him) (Dodges The Bullet) You Coward! (About To Shoot Tristan)
James: (Jumps At Eng. Rob's Back)
Eng. Rob; Huh? (Gets Disturb) What The! (Shakes Himself) (Sees James) James!
Troy: (Stands Up) (Runs To Eng. Rob) (Tries To Get The Gun)
Eng. Rob; No! (Holds The Gun) (Slams James To The Wall) (Holds Troy)
Troy: Ouch!
James: (Falls Down) Ouch!
Tristan: (Points The Gun At Eng. Rob) Go Attack My Brother... I Will Kill You!
Eng. Rob: (Holds Troy) Oh.... In Case You Do Not Know... Your Brother Almost Killed Me!
Troy: (Bites Eng. Rob's Hands)
Eng. Rob: (Feels Pain) (Screams) Argh!!!!!!!! Ouch! (Hand Starts To Bleed) (Drops The Gun)
Hunter: (Appears) Get The Gun Of Him!
Troy: (About To Get The Gun)
James: (About To Get The Gun) (Accidentally Kicks The Gun Away)
Troy: Fuck James!!
James: Shit Sorry!
Eng. Rob: (Slowly Crawls To The Gun)
James: (About To Get The Gun)
*Tristan And Hunter Follows James*
Eng. Rob: (Pulls James' Feet)
James: (Trips Down)
*James Falls Down With Hunter And Tristan To Troy*
Troy: (Screams) Ouch! Guys......
Eng. Rob: (Gets The Gun) (Stands Up) You Guys Won't Gonna Win To A Man! (Points The Gun To Hunter)
Hunter: (Points The Gun To Eng. Rob) Oh Yeah...... In Case An Engineer Doesn't Know..... I Am A Demolisher...... But I Don't Break Houses But I Am Sure I Will Break You....
Eng. Rob: (Shoots The Gun To Hunter)
Hunter: (Shoots The Gun To Eng. Rob)
James: (Pushes Everyone Away From The Explosion) Incoming Guys!
Tristan: (Takes Cover)
Troy: (Takes Cover)
*The 2 Bullets Explode To Each Other*
*The Place Starts To Burn*
Eng. Rob; (Scared) (Looks Around) Oh Shit!
Hunter: (Shoots Eng. Rob Again)
Eng. Rob: (Runs Away) (Dodges The Bullet Again) (Left)
Hunter: (Screams) Everyone.... Lets Follow Him!!!!!!!

At The Outside.....

Eng. Rob: (Runs Outside The House) (Starts Running Away From His Home)
Hera: (Opens The Van's Window) (Sees Eng. Rob) (About To Shoot Eng. Rob)
Eng. Rob: (Sees Hera) You Shit Again! (Shoots Hera)
Hera: Oh Shit.... Ahhh! (Jumps Away) (Dodges The Bullet)
Eng. Rob: (Left)
Hera: (Walks Out Of The Van)
*Tristan, James, Troy And Hunter Approaches Hera*
Hunter: Hera..... Have You Seen Him?
Hera: Yeah..... He Just Ran Away!
Hunter: Lets Go Guys....
*Everyone Left*

While Eng. Rob Was Running......

Eng. Rob; (Keeps Running) (Nervous) (In His Mind) I Should Lost Them! I Should Lost Them!
I Should Lost Them! I Should Lost Them!!!!!
*A Bullet Near Misses Eng. Rob*
Eng. Rob: (Jumps From Being Terrified) (Falls Down)
*Tristan, Hera, Hunter, James And Troy Catches Up*
Hunter: Here He Is...
Eng. Rob: (Sees Hunter) Oh... Shit! (Stands Up) (Keeps Running)
Tristan: (Shoots Eng. Rob)
Eng. Rob: (Dodges) Fuck! You Kids Really Think This Is A Game?
Hunter: Why? (Shoots Eng. Rob) Was Dad And His Government A Game? 
Eng. Rob: (Dodges) Your Father Somehow Deserved That Shit........ He Is A Prideful Mayor! (Shoots Hera)
*Everyone Keeps Running*
Hera; (Dodges) Fuck! What The! (Shoots Eng. Rob)
*The Bullet Hits Eng. Rob's Other Arm*
Eng. Rob: (Feels Pain) (Screams) Ouch! No!!!!!! (Keeps Running)
Hunter: (Shoots Eng. Rob)
Eng. Rob; (Feels Pain) (Dodges) Stop Following Me!
Hunter: We Will As We Stop Your Life!!!!!!!
Eng. Rob: (Shoots Hunter)
Tristan: (Shoots The Bullet)
James: (Shoots Eng. Rob)
Eng. Rob: (Dodges)
Hunter: Hold!
*Hunter And His Squad Stopped*
*The Bullet Exploded*
Eng. Rob: (Keeps Running Away)
Troy: We Might Lost Him!! Lets Now Go!
*Everyone Starts Running Again*

After A Few Minutes.... At The Unfinished Bridge..........

Eng. Rob: (Keeps Running) Oh Shit! The Bridge....
*Hunter And The Other Keeps Approaching Eng. Rob*
Hunter: Eng. Rob... Its Your Dead End...... Surrender Your Life....
Eng. Rob: (Stops At The Edge Of The Bridge) (Looks Down At The Sea) (Nervous)(Balances On The Edge) Never!!!
Hunter: (Points The Gun At Eng. Rob) But It Is....... (Crying) Like What You Want To See My Dad...... To End.....
Eng. Rob; (Looks Down To The Sea) (Turns Nervous)
Hunter: (Locks The Gun) (Tears Falls On His Face)

Ready For It....... The Drama And Action Is Here.... Tune In Next...

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