Episode 56 : The CrowbWar

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At The Waste Extractor Factory.........

Tristan: (About To Run To Troy)
*2 Workers Holds Tristan From The Back*
Hunter: Tristan! I Will Help You!!!!
Worker #1: (Hits Hunter With A Wood On His Back)
Hunter: (Falls Down) (Feels Pain) (Screams) Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!
Troy: (Getting Conveyored To The Bladed Funnel)
Tristan: (Crying) No!!!!! Troy.... I Will Not Let You Die From This!!! (Struggles To Escape)
Worker #2: No!! You Won't Gonna Escape Here!!!
Tristan: (Bites The Worker #2 On The Neck)
Worker #2: (Screams In Pain) Argh!!! (Takes Off Of Tristan)
Tristan: (Kicks The Worker #3 To The Ground) (Runs To The Coveryor Belt) (About To Run To Troy)
Worker #4: (Hits Tristan With A Wood On His Feet)
Tristan: (Trips Down The Conveyor Belt) (Kicks The Worker #4 On His Face)
Worker #5: (About To Hit Tristan With A Blade)
Tristan: (Holds Worker #5 By The Hand) (Controls The Hand Ans Stabs The Worker #4 On The Face) (Sees A Crowbar) (Hits The Worker #5 On The Neck)
*Blood Explodes On Tristan's Face*
*Stands Up On The Conveyor Belt*
Troy: (Starts To Feel Normal) (Screams) Hunter...... Pull A Lever To Stop The Machine!!!
Hunter: Okay!!! (Looks Around) (Sees A Lever Near The Oil Barrel) (About To Approach The Oil Barrel)
Worker #6: (Pulls Hunter Hand)
Hunter: (Slips Down The Ground)
Worker #6: (Picks Up A Crowbar) You Won't Gonna Stand Up No More!!!! (Holds And Ready To Hit Hunter's Hand With a Crowbar)
Hunter: (Squishes The Crowbar With His Legs)
Worker #6: Huh? Take It Off! (Struggles To Pull Out The Crowbar From Hunter's Legs)
Hunter: (Stabs The Worker's Eye With The Crowbar From His Legs) (Crawls Away)
Worker #7: (Kicks Hunter)
Hunter: (Slams Away From The Ground)
Troy: (Stands Up)
Tristan: Brother!! You Are Okay!!
Troy: I Know...... (Sees A Worker Sneaking Behind Tristan) Look Tristan!!!!!
Worker #8: (Jumps To Tristan's Back)
Tristan: No!!! (Screams) (Shakes Himself)
Troy: (About To Approach Tristan)
Worker #9: (Holds Troy From The Back)
Troy: (Screams) Argh!!! Stop Holding Me!!!!! (Shakes Himself)
Tristan: (Sees A Wood Chipper Nearby) (Closes His Eyes) God..... Save Me Please!!! (Jumps Away From The Conveyor Belt) (Leans His Back To The Wood Chipper)
Worker #8: No! No! No!
Tristan: (Turns On The Wood Chipper)
*The Wood Chipper Starts Blading The Back Of The Worker*
Tristan: (Runs Away) (Returns To The Conveyor Belt)
Hunter: (Feels Dizzy) (Being Dragged By Worker #7)
Worker #7: I Am Gonna Lock You Instead In A Prison!!!
Hunter: (Sees A Crowbar) (Hits The Worker's Foot With a Crowbar)
*The Crowbar Slices The Foot Of The Worker*
Hunter: (Rolls Away) (Runs To The Oil Barrels)
Troy: (Sees His Almost At The Bladed Funnel) Hurry!!! Turn It Off! (Hitting Some Workers With A Crowbar)
Tristan: (Hitting Some Workers With A Crowbar)
Hunter: (Pulls Down The Lever)
*Nothing Happens*
Troy: Wait What???
Worker #9: (Punches Troy On The Face)
Troy: (Falls Down) Ouch!!!!
Hunter: (Opens The Barrel) (Spills The Oil To The Ground) (Walks Away)
*The Oil Overflows To The Workers*
*Workers Starts To Slip Down*
Tristan: Hurry Hunter! (Keeps Hitting Some Workers)
Hunter: Here I Go! (Throws The Lighter To The Oil)
*The Fire Starts Spreading To The Workers*
*Workers Starts Burning In Flames*
Troy: Oh No!!!! (About To Be Conveyored To The Large Bladed Funnel) We Are Trapped!!!!
Tristan: There Are Fires Surrounding Us!!!
Hunter: What Can I Do Now?? (Sees A Ladder Going Up The Funnel) (Runs Immediately To The Large Funnel's Ladder) Guys... I Will Find A Way!!! (Cimbs The Ladder)
Tristan: Brother.... Why Not Lets Jump!!!
Troy: The Fire Is Too Large!!!!! We Will Get Burned!!!!
Hunter: (Keeps Climbing The Large Funnel)
Troy: (Almost At The End Of The Coveyor) (Screams) Argh!!!! Hunter! Do Something!!!!
Hunter: (Throws The Crowbar At To The Funnel)
*The Crowbar Hits The Blades*
*The Crowbar Flies Away From The Funnel*
*The Crowbar Slams The Generator*
Hunter: (Covers Himself) No! I Did Not Work!!!
Troy: (Sees The Inside Of The Funnel) No Way!!!!!
Worker #10: (Climbs Up The Conveyor Belt) (Feels Pain) (Burning) I Am Gonna Kill You! (Runs To Troy)
Troy: (Dodges The Worker) (Outbalances)
Worker #10: (Falls Down The Funnel) (Geta Chopped By The Blades)
Troy: (Falla Down The Funnel)
Tristan: (Screams) Troy!!!
Troy: (Holds On The Edge Of The Funnel) (Screams) (Crying) Fuck!!!
*The Generator Starts Malfunctioning*
Hunter: What Is Happening!!!???
*The Generator Explodes*
*The Lights Turned Off*
*The Machine Stops Working*
Tristan: (Looks Around) It Stopped!
Troy: (Crying) Thank God!!!! (Jumps Away From The Tunnel)
Hunter: (Climbs Down The Ladder)
Troy: (Takes The Fire Extinguisher) Cover Your Nose And Mouth Tristan!!
Tristan: (Covers His Mouth And Nose)
Troy: (Extinguishes The Fire)
*The Fire Disappears*
Tristan: (Crying) (Hugs Troy) You Are Safe!!!!!
Troy: (Crying) I Thought I Was Gonna Die.....
Hunter: Sorry If I Scared The Shit Out Of You Guys!!
Troy: (Hugs Hunter) Hunter..... You Still Saved Us.....
Tristan: (Hugs Hunter) Thank You Hunter!!!
Hunter: (Hugs Tristan And Troy) We Made It!!!! (Calls James)

At The Harbor Of The Island......

Marianne: The Exploding Stopped! Are You Sure We Should Not Approach Them?
James: He Will Call... (Phone Vibrates) Well... Here It Is...
Hera: Are They Saved?
James: (Answers Call) Hunter......
Hunter: (On The Line) (Catches His Breath) Go Here Now.... We Are All Done...... Let The Other Hostages Help Us Build The Large Trap For Mr. Lopez...... Do Not Forget All The Barrel Of Oil...... (Ends Call)
Hera: Thank God! (Covers Her Face)
James: Lets Hurry!!!

At Celestino.... At Some Street Going To The Harbor......

Jolo: (Driving)
*A Van Crosses His Way*
Jolo: (Beeps) (Opens The Window) (Screams) Move Out The Way!!!
Jairus: (Opens The Window From His Van) Hello Jolo!!!
Jolo: (Eyes Widens) No Way!! (Starts Driving) (Hits Jairus' Van) (Left)
Jairus: (Screams) (In His Mind) No Jolo!!! You Won't Gonna Win Over Me!! I Won Before Over You And I Will Always Be The Winner!! (Starts Driving) I Will Gonna Make Sure Dad Succeeds His Plans)

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