Episode 20 : The Start Of The Expedition

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The Next Day...... An Afteroon At The Lucia Island....... Inside The Hut......

Tristan: (Looks Around) I Am Gonna Somehow Miss This Place...... A Year Of Surviving Here.....
Hunter: I Looks Like You Guys Are Very Strong....... I Don't Know If I Can Survive This In A Year......
Tristan: All We Need Is To Be Together To Be The Strongest Ones.......
Hera: (Feels Sad) Do We Have To Leave This Place?
Hunter: You Can Stay Here If You Like.......
Hera: (Rolls Her Eyes) Hmp!
Troy: (Approaches Everyone) Guys...... The Jet Skis Are Ready....... They Are Fully Ready To Be Ridden.....
Hunter: Lets Go....
Tristan: Wait....... I Am Just Thinking....
Hunter: What?
Tristan: Where Are We Gonna Stay? Its Not That We Will Have An Instant House......
Hunter: Yes We Have An Instant House.......
Tristan: (Smiles) Really? Wait..... You Don't Have To Do That!
Hunter: Tristan....... That Will Be Our Headquarters........ Remember The Day I Borrowed Your Phone.........
Tristan: Oh Yeah......
Hunter: (Remembers Something)

A Flashback Shows The Day Hunter Was About To Call Someone.........

Tristan: (Gives Hunter A Phone) Here Saji! This Is My Phone...... Use It.....
Hunter: Thanks Tristan.....
Tristan: Its Nothing..... (Smiles) (Left)
Hunter: (Calls Someone) Hello?
Someone: Oh...... Who Is This?
Hunter: Hunter Montoya......
Someone: Oh..... The Son Of Sta. Monica's Ex Mayor......
Hunter: Yeah..... And I Would Like To Buy A Small Condominium There........
Someone: How Many Bedrooms?
Hunter: 3 Bedrooms...... I Guess....... And A Kitchen... A Living Room....... A Pool......
Someone: Its Not Small Anymore.....
Hunter: Yeah Whatever..... And Make Sure That The Bedrooms Has Its Own Bathroom.......
Someone: Sure..... That's All?
Hunter: Do Not Tell My Family About This.......
Someone: Okay?
Hunter: I Am Coming For The Pay Check........
Someone: Sure......
Hunter: (Ends Call)

Back At Present........

Hera: Paycheck! How Can You Do That!?
Hunter: I Have Connections With Any Kind Of Department....... I Can Have A Gun If I Want To.... If I Need A Chopper Then I Will Have It........ (Shows A Gun)
Hera: (Moves Back) Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I Never Knew You Got Here With A Gun.......
Hunter: (Smiles)
Troy: Why Didn't You Call For A Chopper Instead Of Using Those Jet Skis?
Hunter: The Battery Died That Time........
Tristan: Shall We Go Now?
Troy: I'll Take The Black One....
Tristan: Me Too........ I'll Take The Blue One...
Hunter: I'll Take The Red One........
Hera: What About Me!
Hunter: You Can Ride On Me?
Hera: (Slaps Hunter) Yuck! What The Fuck!
Hunter: What The Hell! What Are You Thinking?!
Troy: ........
Hera: (Blushes) Ugh! Fuck! I'll Be There..... (Left)
Hunter: ........
Tristan: .......

At The Arciello's Mansion In Celestino......... At Bridgette's Bedroom..........

Bridgette: (Calls Hiker) Please...... Hiker...... Hiker.... Answer.........
Hiker: (Answers Call) Hello? Bridgette.....
Bridgette: How Are You?
Hiker: I Am Fine...... But Still Alone.....
Bridgette: I Found Something Important... But I Don't Know How To Discuss This Since We Can't Visually See Each Other........
Hiker: What Is It?
Bridgette: I Haven't Found Any Proof That Dad Really Took Your Dad But Dad Knows Where Your Dad Is......
Hiker: Really? Where? Where Is My Dad Located?
Bridgette: Baron Island.......... Its Far From Our Place But Its Still In Our Country.........
Hiker: Baron Island....... The Small City Island At The Far Southern Part Of Sta. Monica?
Bridgette: Exactly......... Now..... Lets Find Your Dad?
Hiker: I Can't Do It......
Bridgette: What? Hunter Can Do Anything..... You Are A Year Younger Than Him.........
Hiker: I Know.... I Idolize My Brother Very Much..... I Can Do Mostly What He Can And I Love What He Loves But This Expeditions Or Crusades He Can Do..... That Is The Only Thing I Am Scared To Do......
Bridgette: Tell Your Mom.......
Hiker: I Don't Want To Tell Them Anymore...... They Won't Gonna Find Him Anyway....
Bridgette: Its Worth A Try.....
Hiker: But I Can't Give Them Your Proof......... Cause The Proof Is At Yours...
Bridgette: Oh Yeah.....
Hiker: .....
Bridgette: Do Not Worry Hiker..... Soon.... I Will Gonna Escape This Place.......
Hernando; (Enters The Bedroom) Who Are You Talking To?
Bridgette: (Looks At His Father) Dad? (Ends Call)
Hernando: Give Me That?!

At Sta. Monica....... At The Montoya's Bedroom........ Inside Hunter's Bedroom......

Hiker: Hello? Wait.... (Trying To Call Bridgette) Bridge......

Back At Bridgette's Bedroom.......... In Celestino.....

Hernando: I Said...... Give Me That! (Angry) (Screams)
*Cyra And Ryan Approaches Hernando*
Bridgette: (Gives Her Phone) (Nervous)
Hernando: (Takes The Phone) (Sees Hiker's Name) (Angry) Still A Montoya!!!!!!!!!
Ryan: Dad....
Cyra: (Rolls Her Eyes At Bridgette)
Hernando: I Will Take This!
Bridgette: No Dad!!!! (Crying) (About To Take the Phone)
Hernando: (Pushes Bridgette)
Bridgette: (Fells Down) (Crying) Just Tell Me You Took Hunter's Dad!!!!!!!!!!
Hernando: (Looks At Bridgette) How Could You!!!! (Throws Bridgette's Phone) (Screams) I Never Took Anyone! (Left)
*The Phone Broke Into Pieces*
Cyra: You Are A Disrespect Bridgette! You Deserve It! (Left)
Ryan: (Walks To Bridgette) Bridge......
Bridgette: (Crying) Leave Me Alone!!!!!!!!
Ryan: (Left)
Bridgette: ..........

At Dusk, In The Montoya's Mansion..... At The Dining Hall.........

Hiker: (Eating)
Cristie; You Are Now Okay Hiker?
Hiker: (Nods)
Grace: (Enters The Dining Hall)
Dryson: Where Have You Been Mom?
Grace: Just Lit Up The Candle For Your Father And Brother!
Hiker: (Angry) (Stands Up) (Screams) Hunter And Dad Is Not Dead!!!
Terrence: Its Not About Death!!!!
Hiker: But You Are Making Them Look Like They Are Gone! What The Fuck! All Of You!
Grace: Your Mouth! (Crying)
Hiker: I Don't Care! If You All Keep Being Hopeless..... Nothing Good Will Start To All Of You! (Kicks The Table) (About To Leave)
Terrence: (Hugs Hiker) Hiker....... Stop!
Hiker: Leave Me Alone!! (Pushes Terrence) (Left)
Dryson: (Feels Sad)
Cristie: (Feels Sad)
Grace: (Feels Sad)

At Dusk....... The 4 Had Also Arrived To Celestino City Island.......

Hunter: Finally..... We Are Here....... (Looks At The Big Mansion)
*Tristan, Hera And Troy Follows Hunter*
Hera: Whoa!! (Looks Around)
Troy: I Miss The City........
Tristan: Why Are We Looking At This Mansion Anyway?
Hunter: I Already Have A Feeling That The Arciello Owns This........
Tristan: So.... What Now?
Hunter: You Guys Should Have A Pen Name Too....
Hera: What Pen Name?
Hunter: Since They All Thought I Am Dead..... I Can Use The Name Isagani........ To Anyone.......
Tristan: Give Me A Pen Name......
Hunter: You Tristan Should Be......... Basilio.......
You Troy Should Be..... (Thinks Of A Name) Crispin.......... And You Hera...
Hera: Yuck! Don't Dare.....
Hunter: Maria Clara......
Hera: 😍😍😍😍 What A Wonderful Name! I'll Take It.........
Tristan: (Smiles)
Hunter: (Looks At The Mansion) On This Very First Second..... We Aren't Our Own Names Anymore....
Troy: We Are Here For Our Rights...... (Looks At The Mansion)
Tristan: We Are Here To Take Back What We Had....... (Looks At The Mansion)
Hera: We Are Here To Make Them Suffer What We Suffered....... (Looks At The Mansion)
Hunter: (Looks At The Mansion) (In His Mind) Dad....... I Am Coming For You Now! 
*An Imaginary Robert Appeared In Front Of Hunter*
Robert: I Am Waiting For You Son! (Disappears)
Hunter: (Tears Falls On His Face) (In His Mind)
I Love You Dad!

Thanks For The Support For This First Season...... This Is Already One Of The Best Stories I Have Written Because Of Its Uniqueness And Creativity..... Do Not Worry..... Season 2 Will Be More Fire And Lit...... Now Tune In To The Sword Spear And Shotgun Bloodline Season 2 And Life With Them Them And Them Season 6...

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