1. runaway

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the day mom and dad got into that accident, the police took me away from my brothers. they felt that i wouldn't be  in a safe environment if i stayed in tulsa. i didn't really understand it, but dad always told me that everything's done for a reason, so i chose not to question the officers. i was only 10 when mom and dad got t-boned by a train. now i'm 18 and i was mature enough to make my own decisions.

"hey Shyla! get your ass down here and clean up the kitchen!" Phyllis yelled at me. she's my boss at the home i'm at. i work in a huge plantation in Maine. i ain't exactly liking Maine, but if i got caught outside the plantation, i'd get my head kicked in. i decided to head down to the kitchen and clean it up. Phyllis isn't the boss you'd wanna mess with.

i missed out on dinner, Phyllis was throwing spices at me cuz i dropped a pan on the floor. i had to clean that up too. i couldn't take the plantation anymore, so i decided to stay up late and plan my escape from this hell hole.

the sun eventually set and i sat there, watching it. before i got taken away from my brothers, i sat down with my little brother, Ponyboy, and watched sunsets. i don't really understand what Pony gets so riled up about these things for, it's just a bunch of colors.

when the time came, i got out of my bunk and walked to the door, seeing if anybody was watching me. i didn't see anyone, but i still had to be careful. this plantation was a tough place to get out of. i heard some footsteps coming to the cabin i'm staying in and i hurried back to my bunk.

after the person left, i sped up the escape and just made a run for it. i made it to the foresty area of the plantation and hurried to the gate. Phyllis must have hired a guard cuz someone was standing there, with a big bat too. i froze in my steps and tried to keep my distance from him. i ended up hoppin the fence and sprinting into darkness.

whassup!! i decided to give writing a try and it was short cuz i didn't have lots of time and yeah. comment, i kinda wanna see yalls opinions.

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