22. how could i forget?

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i left the hospital blushing a storm. my face looked like a cherry. luckily the waiting room was empty, so i didn't have to be embarrassed.

my house ain't too far from the hospital and i got home safely. when i opened the door, Darry stood up and asked where i was. just as i was about to answer, Sodapop walked in from the kitchen and said, "don't try and lie, i told him about Dally." i nodded at him and said, "i was visiting Dally at the hospital." Darry's face softened. "well, get to bed, school starts tomorrow," he said. oh my god. i forgot about school. "OH NOO, I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!" i screeched. "well, you can't get out of it, so i suggest you get some sleep," Darry said sternly. i could tell Soda felt awkward, so i obeyed Darry(this time)

i took a shower before i went to bed. oh hell, if they don't let me smoke at this school. Pony goes to this school, he'll tell me about it. so does Two-bit, which is weird cuz he's 19 years old. and Steve and Johnny go there, so it can't be terrible. i push the thoughts away and head to bed.

time skip to morning

i woke up to Ponyboy shaking me. "c'mon you're gonna make us late!" he yelled. "get outta my room, then i'll get ready faster," i shoo him away and get dressed into my skinny jeans, combat boots, and my brown bomber's jacket. under my jacket was a red shirt that went to my belt buckles. to finish the look, i put on black combat boots and did my hair in a messy bun.

Pony and i met Johnny, Two-bit, and Steve on the corner of Pickett & Sutton. "ready for your first day, Shy-lame?" Two-bit taunted me. "ready as i'll ever be, i guess," i replied. i got out my pack of cigarettes and took a stick out. "hand Johnny and i one, will ya?" Pony asked. i rolled my eyes and gave them one. i lit mine and shoved it in my mouth.

we soon approached the local high school. "wait, how come you're in high school, Pony?" i asked him. "i skipped 3rd grade," he answered. "oh." i opened the doors and all i saw was socs. socs were everywhere. there were a few occasional greasers, but this place was crawling with socs. i groaned and turned to Steve. "you brought me to socialite school? are you kidding me?!" i yelled quietly. "we ain't kiddin' ya," Steve chuckled. "c'mon Shyla, you're stuck with me for first period," Steve had an evil smirk on his face.

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