4. is that dallas?

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"long time no see Two-bitch," i say in a low, soccy voice. i'm good at impersonstions. Two-bit whipped around and threw his arms around my back. he gave me the biggest hug out of all the gang. "Shy-lame! you're back! where the hell were you? how did you get back? where did you-" "ok, dial it back," i say, holding up my arms. "sorry, Shy. i'm just so happy you're back!!" Two-bit hugged me again. he's my best friend out of the whole gang. he's the greatest. "wait a sec, are you wearin' a dress? hey ya'll! come here, Shyla's wearin' a dress!" Two-bit yelled to the whole house. everyone came running in and gasping at me. "hell, i didn't even notice," Soda said. "Shyla Curtis is actually wearing a dress. what did they do to you?" Steve says sarcastically.

after talking about the plantation for about an hour, i got tired. i went into my old room, the one i had before i got taken. it looked exactly like i remembered. i got into my bed and tried to sleep. sleeping for me usually came easy, but now it didn't come. after about 10 minutes, i heard a door slam.

i walked into the living room and saw a dude i don't really remember seeing. he looked tuff and tough. he had brown hair, brown eyes, and a cigarette in his mouth. i cocked my head at him and he did the same to me. "who's the broad?" he said in an accent. Soda stood right up and grabbed him by the color. "that 'broad' is my sister. so lay off, Dallas." Dallas looked dangerous. Soda quickly realeased his grip on him and sat back down in his chair. he looked real pale. Dallas looked at Soda, disgusted. then he looked at me again, and i sat down next to Soda.

i got bored watching tv so i decided to start a poker tournament. "ya'll wanna play poker?" i got nods and yes's all around the room. i made the bracket and apparently i put myself up against Steve, who was pretty much addicted to the game. i hadn't played poker in about 8 years.

i lost all my money to Steve and Soda was gettin' pretty worn out. soon the championship came and Dallas and Steve were goin' at it. it wasn't even 5 minutes and Dallas cleaned him out.

after poker, all of us just sat in the living room, pigging out on chocolate cake. i forgot how good this stuff is cuz i never got any at the plantation. i went into my room and changed out of my raggedy dress. finally got into my jeans and red cropped shirt. i threw out my whole closet and found my favorite jean jacket.

i walked back to the living room and sat down in the floor next to Two-bit. he was watching a show with a talking mouse in it. i gave him a weird look and he shrugged off and continued watching. i looked back and locked eyes with Dallas. we were watching each other for a good 5 minutes before
Two-bit shook me outta my trance.

soon after Dallas' and i's stare down, everyone left to go home. i took a shower and sat in my room, thinking to myself, 'man, was that really Dallas Winston?'

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