5. dingo

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the next morning, i woke up with Pony laying next to me, still sleeping. i rolled my eyes and laughed at him. my laughing caused him to wake up. "morning sunshine. have a nightmare last night?" i asked while snickering. "pfft no i didn't have a nightmare..." Pony trailed off. i walked downstairs and caught Soda trying to make breakfast. "ay Pepsi, i'll relieve you of your duties," i said in a british accent. "ha, you said duty," Soda started laughing really hard on the ground. "you were always the immature twin," i said.

after Soda and i ate breakfast, i found a note on the couch from Darry:

had to go into work early, don't do anything stupid or i'll skin ya

Steve and Dallas walked in the door, of course they slammed it. but then i realized that no one's asleep so i can't yell at them for a good reason. "do yall always slam the damn door?" i ask. "well how would you know we was here if we didn't slam the door?" Steve answers. i roll my eyes at them and smile. Dallas plopped himself on the couch and Steve went to the kitchen to eat. i turned on the tv and the news was on. Dallas seemed to not be into it and asked me to turn it off in a way that can't be repeated. "change your tone and maybe i'll think about changing the channel," i say. Dallas glared at me, and sunk back into the couch.

i glanced at the tv and saw a headshot that looked terrifyingly familiar. i looked at Dallas and back at the tv. it was his headshot. i turned the volume up and listened to the news guy, "this just in, the police are looking for this delinquent. his name is Dallas Winston. if you have any information on his whereabouts, call the police." i turned off the tv. "bad boy, huh?" i say. "yea, so what? you like it," Dallas smirked. "wipe that smile off your face," i say. he's got a nice smile, i've gotta say that. "you like me smilin' at ya. your blushin' like hell," Dallas laughed his dorky laugh. "oh shit, i am?" i got embarrassed and blushed some more. "so ya wanna go to the dingo tonight? i'm free and i gotta feelin' that Soda hasn't been off your back since ya came," he pretty much asked me on a date, but without the use of the word 'date.' i give a simple answer, "yea, ok."

Darry came home from work when i was about to go meet Dallas amd head to the dingo. "whoa there young lady, where are you headed to?" Darry acts like my dad honestly. "what's it to you? you don't need to be in my business all the damn time. you ain't my dad," well shoot. i'm about to get my head kicked in, nobody talks to Darry like that. "where'd you learn to have a mouth like that?" he looks red all over. "i'm a teenager. i've always had a mouth like this," i say cooly and then walk out the door in a sassy walk.

i met Dallas at the DX gas station where Soda and Steve usually work. they weren't working there now, or Dallas and i wouldn't have met there. we just had to make a quick stop to 'buy' some cigarettes. if Darry or Soda catches me smoking, boy i'd be lucky to live the next day. Pony'll think it's tuff and want in. Dallas and i throw our burning cigarettes at the soccy broads that pass us by on our way to the dingo. then we light knew ones and repeat the process. once we got to the place, we went in and took our seats.

we were sitting there for a good 30 minutes before a waitress comes to get us drinks. we both got cokes and and an appetizer of onion rings. when the waitress came back with our drinks, i could tell she was making goo-goo eyes at Dallas. "hey Dallas, got a blade?" "yea, why?" "just give it to me," he gives me his blade and i hide it under my favorite jean jacket. the waitress came back with the onion rings and i opened the blade, dropping it blade first on her foot. the waitress screamed and dropped our basket of onion rings. all eyes went to us and i could just say, "i am terribly sorry, i must've dropped my blade! again i am truly sorry," i say sarcastically. "c'mon Shyla, let's get outta here," Dallas says, dragging me out the door.

Dallas walks me home and Steve and Two-bit are still at my house. "hey Dallas, you stayin'?" i ask him. "yea sure, why not?" Dallas replied. "oh and another thing, call me Dal or Dally. none of this Dallas shit, feel me?" "yea sure," i say smiling. tonight was fun. but then Dallas shouted, "guys! where's Johnny?!"

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