29. respect

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i should've just left Dally in the hospital. he made me his own personal servant. he's one of those people who would tell me to do something, then when i go to do it, he spanks me. i always turn around and glare at him. he says he'd stop, but he never does.

with Dally on the couch, Johnny has to crash with Pony, which makes Soda bunk with me. it brings back some memories, when Pony wasn't born yet. Soda and i shared a bed amd a room. of course it didn't last long cuz Pony's only 2 years under us.

the next morning was the same routine: eat breakfast, get dressed, yell at Pony to hurry up. only this time, i added a new step, greet Dally. "hey doll, how's it goin'?" he asked. "average," i replied blankly. "average? come here and gimme a kiss so it ain't so average anymore," he smirked and pointed to his cheek. "shhh! Darry still doesn't know!" i scolded quietly. Dally threw his hands up in defense, "sorry! i didn't know." "know what?" Johnny suddenly walked in. Dally and i stared at him, trying to think of an excuse. "it's alright, don't try and lie to me. i heard everything," Johnny smiled devilishly, "ya'll are a couple of lovebirds now, huh?" i sighed, "yes we are. now hurry in the truck so we aren't late for school."

lunch time

i awkwardly walk through the crowd of jocks blocking the door to the cafeteria. as i was nearing the door, i felt one of them smack my butt. i quickly turned around, ready to slap the living daylights outta them. i met the eyes of Justin. i could feel my face get red with anger. the other jocks that saw backed away. "sorry sweetheart, the back of the line is that way." he said nastily. "i'm glad to see you made it out of that closet," i snickered. Justin rolled up his sleeves, getting ready to fight. "i thought it was illegal to hit a girl," i said sarastically. Justin gave me a look, "do you think i care what the law is?" at that moment, Justin ran towards me and threw the first punch. it caught me off guard when it hit me straight in the cheek. i felt a stinging pain that wasn't just a bruise forming. then i glanced at Justin's hand, and there was a ring on it. my hand went to my cheek and sure enough, there was blood. my face went redder than a cherry. i was very angry and Justin seemed on edge. i walked up to him and when he lifted his hand to punch me again, i took it and pulled him towards me. i whipped around and elbowed him hard in his back. Justin fell and didn't get up. he was alright though. well, he wasn't alright, he just wasn't dead. the socs watching me backed away as i went to the door to the cafeteria. i think i earned respect around here.

i got myself grounded and it might be awhile till i update again, so just a heads up.

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