11. visiters

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Darry's POV

having Shyla and Dallas in the cooler has its perks. i don't get mouthy, sassy comments from her and i don't have to worry about Pony hangin' around Dally and gettin' into trouble. on the other hand, with those 2 being gone, Soda and Johnny can barely function. ever since Soda found out Shyla was in prison, he ain't eating and he's just depressed. without Dally, Johnny goes back home. and you can only imagine what his parents do to him.

"Soda! Johnny! get in the truck!" i yell throughout the house. Johnny comes from the kitchen and Soda nearly trips running down the stairs. "where are we goin'?" Johnny asks. "you'll see," i said then followed them in the truck. it only has one row of seating, which can fit 3. it was still a very uncomfortable ride.

we reached our destination, which was the police station. Johnny and Soda rushed in there, wanting to see Dal and Shy. they were really annoying the receptionist, so i pulled them away. "can we see Shyla Curtis and Dallas Winston?" i ask as nicely as i can. "Dallas Winston is a maybe, Shyla will be right out," the officer went in the back.

a few minutes later, Shyla walked out with handcuffs and a parole officer. "are you planning on taking her back?" he asked. "yes we are," i say. Soda jumped up and engulfed her in a hug. Shyla stayed quiet. she knew she would be in trouble when we got home. "since we don't know if she will do anything again, i have to keep lookout on her, i will be staying with your family as a parole officer. my name is officer Brian," he held it out for me to shake. i shook it firmly.

Johnny's POV

"i wanna see Dallas!" i whine to the receptionist. "i'm sorry, he isn't available. if he was he would be able to see you," she said softly. i dragged my feet back to my chair. i felt like crying. i don't know why i'm so sad. Dally always gets arrested, but i never acted like this.

"DARRY! PLEASE TELL THIS LADY I NEED TO SEE DALLY!?" i yelled across the room. Darry rolled his eyes annoyed. he got up and talked to the lady, soft enough that i couldn't hear. the lady put her hands on her heart area, and looked at me with puppy eyes. she nodded her head and got up to go to the jail cells.

"thanks Darry," i say. i was very embarrassed that i acted like a toddler in front of all these people, waiting to see their criminal buddies.

this is a really short chapter but i dont really know what else to write about (for this chapter) i have ideas for later in the book;)

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