24. lunch

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Johnny and i rushed out of class to get to lunch. on our way, we met up with Two-bit, Steve, and Ponyboy. our group walked together until i realized i didn't have anymore cigarettes. "hold on, i gotta run to my locker real quick," i say. "hurry back, we'll save a spot in line," Two-bit said back. i ran through the maze of hallways, and also bumped into a few people. one of them was a football player and he yelled, "kiss my ass, greaser!" at me. i finally came upon my locker and got out 2 packs. i stuffed em in my pocket and made a run back to the cafeteria.

i walked in the cafeteria and found the rest of the gang. they were still in line for lunch. today's lunch was nachos. "got watcha need?" Steve asked. "yeah, i did," i replied and showed a glimpse of the 2 packs, so the gang could see. they all either nodded their heads or patted me on the back. "line's movin'," Two-bit pointed out. "no shit, sherlock," i said kinda loudly. a teacher heard me and pointed a decieving finger at me. "watch your mouth, Curtis!" i snickered. "sounds like you already made a name for yourself, Curtis," Two-bit teased me. "yeah, man. you know me," i flipped my hair around really dramatically. Steve laughed.

we finally made our way to the front of the line. i let Johnny cut me since he's been quiet all day. it seemed like even the lunch workers didn't like greasers. all we got for lunch was stale bread and some nasty lookin' soup. the socs got the good stuff. "c'mon, let's sit outside," Ponyboy offered. we nodded at him and followed him outside.

i slurped the soup that actually didn't taste horrid. the bread was still stale, but i can live with that. since we were outside, i offered everybody some cigarettes. they all took one. "this place is boring, they expect me to be here 5 days a week for 8 hours?" i complained. "it ain't so boring if you actually listened," Pony said. "shut your trap, it's me you're talkin' about," i said. it made Steve and Two-bit laugh. "hey Johnny, how's your day been?" i asked. "boring for the most part," he replied. "i have a question," Johnny added. "go ahead." "when are you and Dallas gonna hook up?" Johnny suddenly blurted out. Two-bit gasped. Johnny was never the one to ask a question like that. "what do you mean," i said. "it's obvious you 2 like each other," Johnny smirked devilishly. "shut up," i started to get red. i heard the bell ring, "looks like i gotta head to class." i was very grateful for that bell. it saved me from a very awkward conversation.

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