2. trek

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i ran forwards as far as i could until i eventually discovered a highway for cars. i stood by the road and waited for somebody to stop and ask if i needed a ride. my mom always told me to never pick up hitchhikers, and the parents of these drivers probably told them the same. i flattened my dress and sat on the ground. Phyllis made all of the workers at the plantation, uniforms. the girls had to where dresses.

sunrise came and i was still sitting on the ground, waiting to be picked up by a car. suddenly, a car stopped at my side and a women hopped out. she looked sweet, and didn't look like a kidnapper. "do you need a ride, honey?" she asked. "i could use one, thanks," i said and stood up. i hopped in her car and she started driving.

"where are you headed too?" she asked me. "i'm hoping that Tulsa is on the way to where you're going," i said. "lucky for you, it is," she looked back at me then smiled. "where are you running away too?" i ask her. "i'm moving to California. Maine isn't the place for me," she said.

that was the longest ride of my life. she wouldn't stop asking me questions and the whole 'little miss nice girl' act that i'm playing isn't gonna last long at all. if i don't get in Tulsa today, i'll kill myself. we had stopped in a hotel in Illinois, so the lady was sleeping. i decide to drop the act and take the keys from the bedside desk. i close the door and let it slam, i didn't care if she woke up or not. she's old, she probably won't make it to California. i'm making sure to make it harder for her.

after stealing the old lady's car, i was speeding down the highway, kinda like how my best friend, Two-bit, would drive. but 10x faster. i swear i was in Oklahoma by noon and i left the hotel at about 9. i couldn't remember where my family lived, so i made my way to the police station. i parked the car, and decided to rip off the license plates, so the police couldn't tell the car was stolen.

after getting the address from the police station, i made my way to the house. i pulled up to the correct house and got out. it was dinner time, so instead of going right in, i decide to spy from the kitchen window. Darry looked super muscular and big, but not in a fat way. in no way was Darrel Curtis fat. Sodapop looked VERY handsome. Ponyboy looked kinda slim, very greasy hair, like Soda, but 100 times greasier. then i saw a face that i'd never thought i'd see again. he was just so bad off that i didn't think he would last a long time.

Johnny Cade. he was a tanned kid with very long greasy hair, like Pony's. he was quiet and shy and abused badly by his parents. he had a nasty scar that he got from... i can't remember, it's been awhile since i've been here. might've been from his parents.

they all ate quietly, until Darry said, "who's turn is it? Soda, why don't you go?" i waited to see what Darry was talking about and then Soda started to say, "a memory that i have with Shyla is we would go to the park and swing on the swings. we would always see who could jump off em the farthest. and whoever jumped the farthest would get to slap the loser in the face." he chuckled after that, then sat down and they continued to eat in silence.

after awhile my brothers and Johnny hit the sack. Darry, Pony, and Soda headed upstairs and Johnny crashed on the couch. i waited outside for about 30 minutes before opening the door softly and going inside. the hardwood creaked, but not enough to wake Johnny. i was starving, so i decided to rade the fridge.

when i closed the fridge and turned to head to the living room, i saw Pony standing in front of me.

well this chapter is longer but its still short. sorry again, i could do another chapter today.

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