6. searchparty + sickness

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"wait, where's Johnny?" Dallas said urgently. everyone got up quickly and said stuff like, "i thought he was at the lot," "i thought he was with Pony," "i thought he was in the bathroom," and all that. nobody said they knew for sure where he was.

Dally rounded everyone up and started an all-out search and rescue party. Pony was freaking out because his best friend could be in danger. Soda was trying to calm him down and i just walked with the group. i didn't know Johnny well enough to be upset that he was gone. all i knew is that his parents beat him up a ton. "are you okay?" Dally asked me. i must've had my head in the clouds higher than i thought. "yeah, i'm fine. let's just go get Johnny and go home, i'm not feelin' good," i said.

the truth is, i wasn't feeling the greatest that morning. i had a splitting headache and my stomach was out of it. i didn't want to leave the house, but a gang member was in danger and i would've felt bad if i didn't go with em to look. "well, we can take ya home if ya want," Darry said. "no, Johnny needs help, and i don't care if i puke out my lungs. i'm looking for Johnny." my voice was so raised and firm, Darry looked shocked. i kept walking with the group. then Two-bit, being the best friend that he is, insisted he took me home cuz i looked very pale. i declined, but then ran off into a bushy area and got sick. i heard some laughing and figured Steve thought me being sick was funny. after about 5 minutes i was done, and got taken home by Two-bit. "no really, i'm fine," i say, "it was just something i ate, i wanna go look for Johnny!" "Darry said to not let you out of my sight, you're stayin' here whether you like it or not!" this was the one time Two-bit actually sounded serious. i was kinda worried about him to be completely honest. "fine," i said before going into my bedroom. Two-bit followed. i sat in bed thinking about Johnny. what if he's actually hurt? or worse, dead?

Two-bit was actually a decent babysitter. he brought me a trashcan, which i used quite a bit. he also brought me some soup, new clothes, and some new converse. i ruined my other ones when i was looking for Johnny. it was about 4 hours later when the rest of the gang came back, without Johnny. they all visited me in bed, asked if i was alright. even Dally which surprised me, cuz he's emotianless and all. i kept asking about Johnny and they kept changing the subject, meaning they haven't found him yet.

the gang decided to go to one of Buck Merril's famous parties. Pony and i couldn't go, cuz i was sick and Pony was too young. it was getting pretty late, but suddenly i heard rapid knocking on the door. i called Pony to go get it, and after a long pause he did. i heard him yell, and slowly made my way to the living room.

Pony and i stood there, shaking. Johnny was laying at the door, cuts and bruises and blood all over him. i felt nautious and made my way to the bathroom. after i was done, Pony had already gotten Johnny on the couch. i ran for the first aid kit and cleaned out Johnny's wounds and bandaged them. i went into Pony's room and got him clean clothes. Pony helped Johnny change while i went to the phone and called Darry. "what do you want?" Buck answered. "give Darry the phone," i said, stern. there was a long pause before Darry spoke, "huh," "get home, quick, and get everybody here please," "i'll be there soon, how are you feelin'?" "i don't matter, just hurry up and get home now!" i hung up and went to Johnny, and just waited.

10 minutes after i called, Darry and the gang came running through the door. all there eyes went to Johnny and their eyes just closed. i swear i saw Dally shed a tear.

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