21. joy

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i sat in the waiting for 2 hours. the sun was starting to set, so i went out to watch it. the sun was orange and the sky around it was a mix of yellow and red. on the other side of the horizen, it began to get purple. it was a really pretty sunset.

after 5 minutes, i went back inside. a nurse came out of a hallway and announced, "Shyla Curtis?" i stood up and followed her to Dallas' room.

i trailed behind the nurse by quite a bit. i wasn't ready to see Dally yet. my brain was firing questions at me. i didn't bother to answer em all. after walking through like 50 hallways, the nurse stopped in front of a door that read 67. "go on ahead sweetie, but be careful, he's been a little crabby lately," the nurse smiled.

i slowly opened the door and there Dally was, naked except for his boxers. "Dally!" i squealed. i took off in a run and squeezed him real tight. "hey Shyla!! wanna see the scar?" he smirked devilishly. "of course i do!" Dally pointed to large white line on one of his abs. "narly, man," i say, clearly impressed that he didn't die. "yeah, how are the guys doing?" "pretty well, because i didn't tell them that ya got shot," i kinda trailed off. "huh, okay. i see why ya didn't," Dally said. "the only person i told was Soda, and he said that we should date. i'm not totally against the idea either," i smiled at him.

Dally and i talked for awhile. i like talking to him, i could tell him anything. his icy blue eyes sparkled everytime my greenish gray eyes looked at them. "i should get back, Darry's gonna flip if i come home too late," i wave bye, but Dally interupts. "come here a sec," he said and motioned me over. i sat on the edge of his hospital bed. "what do ya need?" he came up to me quickly and attached his lips to mine. i was surprised at first, but it when on and i got into it. Dally pulled away and cleverly said, "you."

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