3. reunion

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when i turned to close the fridge, Pony was standing right there. he didn't seem to have a scared look on his face. he seemed surprised. "Sh-Shyla? i-is that you?" he stuttered. "who told ya?" i joked. he smiled and gave me the biggest hug i could ever imagine. "we gotta wake up Soda and Darry! Soda will die when he sees ya!" Pony almost screamed. "hey hey hey keep it down will ya? they're sleeping right now, let's just wait till tomorrow, feel me?" i say. suddenly we both hear footsteps coming into the kitchen. i gasp when i see Johnny. he rubs his eyes. "oh hey Shyla," he turned and walked off. then he froze and ran back to me and jumped into my arms. "Shyla! i can't believe it, you're back!" he yells. "i don't want Darry and Sodapop to know yet, so keep it down," i whisper to him.

i woke up the next morning on the ground. last night i told Pony and Johnny how i was in Maine and got tired of the plantation i worked at. then i told em how i ran away and stole a car. they both gasped when i told em i stole the car. i walked into the kitchen assuming i was the only one up. i walked in and i was greeted by the arms of my big brother Darry. "where the hell have you been all this time?!" he yells, but in a playful, happy tone. "working," i reply. i then smile and punch his shoulder softly. then i hear someone say, "hey Darry! what's for breakfast?" and comes a half sleeping Sodapop walkin down the stairs.

"who's the girl ya brought home Dar?" he asks. he rubs his eyes some more and his eyes lock with mine. then his eyes lit up and he ran to me. i could do nothing but open my arms and wait for the impact. i shut my eyes and next thing i know i was being lifted in the air and twirled around. Soda put me down and said, "i have a twin again!" i hugged Soda the tightest out of all the boys. he's my favorite brother. only because he's my twin of course.

i heard a slam on the door that made me jump. Steve and Two-bit came running in. i wanted to surprise them so i ran as fast as i could to Pony and Soda's room. i slowly walked out and i decided to sneak up on Steve first. he was leaning on the stove. i rolled up a page of Darry's newspaper and threw it at Steve's head. when it hit him, he quickly looked towards me. i stood there, waiting for something to happen.

he looked me up and down. "what happened to ya, Shy?" he asked then he walked towards me and pulled me in a hug. "shh," i whispered. i pointed to Two-bit and Steve nodded. i walked carefully behind Two-bit, who was watching tv. i wrapped my arms around his head and said, "long time, no see, Two-bitch."

i think im gonna keep the chapters shorter but still a decent length. thanks for readin!!

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