25. more class

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when i got to my classroom, everyone was already sitting down and the teacher had eyes on me. "you're late," he said coldly. "i'm sorry, pal," i said. everyone giggled. i sat down in an open seat, which happened to be in front of the teachers desk. i had no where to put my feet, unless i wanted to get a ruler to the hands by putting my feet on the desk.

the teacher, i learned his name was Mr. Ramirez, kept on droning on about this class. i chose not to listen because i ain't gonna need all this information taking up space in my brain. "so, Shyla, what did i just say?" he suddenly asked me. "um, something about how a girl and a guy love each other and when they go somewhere private, they get na-," Mr. Ramirez cut me off. "that's enough," he sounded very annoyed. the rest of the class was slightly laughing at my attempt at listening. "better start paying attention, or you're not going to know what the homework is," he said. "homework? never heard of it," i said. the socs laughed at that.

Mr. Ramirez handed out a worksheet. we got 10 minutes to work on it before the bell rang. i cheated off the nerd sitting next to me. i finished it and then the bell rang.

my next class is my last class. Johnny and Steve had to stay because they had one more class, i had a free period so i could leave early. i think i have Two-bit in this class, so it won't be boring. i've heard that Mrs. Furloin is a bitch. i've also heard that she hits you with a ruler if you misbehave. i'll definitely do that.

Two-bit meets me at my locker. "hey, hurry! we're gonna be late," Two-bit worried. "no we aren't," i assured him. "i gotta get my books," i added. i slammed the locker shut and headed to the room with Two-bit. "you gonna see Dally after school?" he asked. "how come you wanna know?" "i don't know. i was thinking that the whole gang go and see him," Two-bit shared with me. "that sounds like a good idea, i'm gonna leave early after class, i have a free period." "okay," Two-bit said.

we entered the classroom and surprisingly we weren't late. Two-bit and i sat next to each other and we made it our business to make Mrs. Furloin angry at us. she came into the room and began the lecture, "to begin, i would like everyone to introduce themselves and say what you guys like to do for fun." she points to someone in the front row to start. it was Cherry. she stands up and starts talking. "hi, my name's Sherri, but call me Cherry. i like to read for fun." "thank you Sherri, who's next?" Two-bit stands up and acts all excited. "hiya folks! the name's Two-bit. i like to give random people nuggies," he proceeds to grab a person next to him and rub his fist against their head. "that's enough, please sit down," Mrs. Furloin warns. i raise my hand all proper and Mrs. Furloin calls on me, "yes? please inteoduce yourself." i stand up. "my name's Shyla Curtis, and i like chase my brothers around the house." some girl yells, "hey! you're a Curtis? i knew you looked a lot like Sodapop! he's a doll." "yeah, we're twins." Mrs. Furloin interupts, "i expect good things from you, Shyla. Ponyboy is a very good student." she gave me a look. like she already knew i wasn't gonna be a good student.

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