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Shyla's POV

i woke up in like 5 minutes. at least it felt like 5 minutes. i knew it was longer than that. i looked down at my arm and it had lots of narly stitches. it didn't hurt yet, it was still numb.

"now please do not do anything too crazy with your arm, i don't want you and your family back here," Brenda said. Soda looked at her and smiled, "don't worry. i won't let her do anything." then he purposely coughed and looked at Dallas. i glared at Soda. "hey! i'm smart enough to know what's good and not good for my arm!" i argued. "if you were smart then ya wouldn't be here," Soda said. i mumbled under my breath, "we're twins. we have the same goddamn brain."

we finally got out of the hospital. Brenda put a thick bandage on my arm to cover the stitches. Dally stayed quiet the whole car ride back to the house, which was unusual and something to be worried about. Soda was lecturing me on what not to do with my arm. "don't get into trouble, the fuzz won't go easy on you," Soda said. "shut your trap already, geez," i sassily replied. Soda was then quiet the rest of the way.

after what seemed like years, we made it back to the house. right as i walked in, Pony and Johnny came over and started asking me stupid questions. "leave me alone, will ya?" i said. Pony looked hurt and Johnny looked surprised. Pony walked over to Soda and asked somethin' that i couldn't make out. i heard Soda's answer though. "i hope so, i noticed it too."

Darry was still at work and Dally was at a drag race with Steve. Soda, Pony, and Johnny went to the dingo. only God knows where Two-bit is. i had the house all to myself. it got boring without the gang. the gang's the kinda people that keep everything fun. they'll throw a football at your face and then laugh when you get hit. that's what i like about them. they know how to take a joke.

i started rummaging through the fridge for something to eat. we had no chocolate cake and no coke. i also ran out of my cigarettes. out of boredom, i went to the DX.

Soda and Steve were talkin' to some greasy girls. i recognized em as their girlfriends. Sandy and Evie. Sandy was a sassy bitch to me. Evie was shy and barely talked to anyone but Steve. i never liked either of them, even though i had no reason to hate Evie. Sandy's fingers trailed Soda's arms and i couldn't help but die of laughter. all eyes went towards me and i laughed even more. i laughed so hard i fell on the ground. Soda came over to me and asked me, "what the hell are you doin' here? you're supposed to be at home!" i calmed down and replied, "chill, i just ran out of cig-" i paused, "i ran out of coke for the fridge, yeah, sounds about right."

Steve checked out my soda and he secretly paid for my cigarettes, so Soda wouldn't see them on my receipt. i stuck the 4 packs in my sweatshirt pocket. Soda and Steve's shift wouldn't be up for another 2 hours, so i had to walk home.

when i walked throuhh the door, Darry was towering over me. "we have to talk about something," he said. "what is it?" Darry stood there for a little bit. "we're putting you through school, starts in a week."

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