30. protect us

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school finally got out and i was exhausted. i got sent to the office because of the cut Justin's ring gave me. it's still bleeding, but not so much.

i walked back to my house and i said hi to Dally. "Shyla, come here a sec," he said. i walked over slowly. i didn't know what was going to happen. i sat next to him. "you know i love you, right?" he asked out of no where. "yeah, i think so," i said slowly. Dally sat up and started to take off his necklace. "Dally, no, that's your..uh," i never got a good look to see what the medal actually said. "christopher," Dally finished for me. by the time he said that, he already took it off and started to put it on me. i was speechless. Dally looked me in the eyes the whole time. when he removed his hands from the necklace, i took a look at it. it had a picture of a man carrying a little kid on his shoulder. on the sides, it said, Saint Christopher Protect Us. it was beautiful.

the rest of the gang came in a little bit after Dally gave me his necklace. Darry seemed in a really good mood. "hey, Dar. you seem happy," i cocked an eyebrow. "nothing you kids need to know," he said, still smiling. "you found a woman didn't you," i guessed. "how did you know?" "i guessed, what's her name?" i asked. "her name's Jess and she's 19. i'd like ya to be decent to her," Darry looked at me in the eye. he does that when he means something important. "aww! i'm so happy for you!" i screeched and hugged my big brother.

the rest of the day was boring. i got Darry to tell everyone about Jess. Two-bit was really surprised. he even made Darry call her on the phone. we all laughed. when everyone left, Dally called me over again. "i know i already told you, but i love you so much, Shyla Grace Curtis," he said. "i love you too, Dallas Tucker Winston," i said and then pulled him towards me and kissed him. we forgot that Johnny was staying the night and was watching. oops:)

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