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Soda's POV

Pony, Darry, and i decided to go on a boys night out type of thing, except it was Curtis edition. Pony wanted to go to the movie house, but Darry wanted to go elsewhere, so they fought a little bit. it didn't last long cuz they saw how pale i was getting. i hated it when they fought. when Shyla was around, a long time ago, the both of us would go hide in Mom and Dad's closet. we didn't like the noise.

we all agreed on Tasty Freeze. we only went there when it was someone's birthday or a special occasion. tonight was a special occasion, but i did feel bad because Shyla wasn't here for it. she hasn't had it in forever. i got a vanilla shake, Darry got chocolate, and Ponyboy got peanut butter caramel blast, or whatever it is, cuz he's strange like that.

as we finished our ice cream, we started heading home. i was getting tired and a little sickish if i'm being completely honest. we rounded a corner and all of a sudden Pony told us Darry and i to shut up. we were silent and in the distance we could hear a fight going on. Darry said we should leave it be, but i jumped in and said, "i think we oughta check it out. it sounds pretty narly and i think i hear a girl."

i let Darry go first cuz he knows how to stop a fight. Pony and i waited behind a car for Darry to get finished. "Darry, you finished yet?" Pony asked. "Soda, ya might wanna come here for a sec," Darry said in a really worried tone.

i come out from behind the car and i glance at the bodies lying next to Darry. it took me a minute to realize who one of them were. it was Dally. and the girl next to him, Shyla. i ran to the both of them and put my ear to both of their chests. they both had a steady heartbeat. Dally's face was bruised and bloodied along with his fists. Shyla had a huge gash in her left arm. she also had a bump on her head. both of their eyes were closed.

"Darry, get Dally. i'll take Shyla. we gotta go back home," i say urgently. "we should take em to the hospital. they'll have professionals there," Darry said. "remember the time we had to take Shyla to get her shots? she punched the nurse in the face and snapped the shots in half," i protested. "she was only 8 too," i added. "good point."

we took them both home and got Dally on the couch and Shyla in her bed. i swear i'm neever gonna let her go anywhere with Dally again.


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