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Dallas's POV

Shyla and i were hanging out in the cell when i cop came in and unlocked our cell. i was making my way to the door, but the cop pushed me back. "not you." he let Shyla through.

after Shyla left, i felt a pain in my throat. i couldn't figure out what it was. then i thought to myself, am i gonna cry? i haven't cried in... awhile. i sat down on my bunk and waited for her to come back. she never did.

about an hour later, i heard some yelling. it was very loud yelling. but i couldn't make out what it was saying, but it sounded like Johnny. i let it slide off my shoulders, and 5 minutes later a cop came and got me outta the cell.

the cop and i walked down a long hallway before we reached the waiting area. first thing i saw was Darry's scowling face, glaring at me. man, did he look glad to see me*note sarcasm. the cop unlocked my handcuffs and i walked towards Johnny. he looked like he's been non-stop crying. only because i felt sorry for him, i gave him a tiny hug.

*time skip to dinner*

Shyla's POV

it was dinner time and all of us decided to go to the dingo. i remember the last time Dally and i went there. i dropped a switchblade on the waitress's foot. good times.

we all walked in and Darry made me and Dally split up. we sat in one of those huge booths in the corner cuz the regular one was too small for 8 people. the order went me, Darry, Steve, Soda, Dally, Two-bit, Johnny, then Ponyboy. Pony, Johnny, Soda, and i got coke cuz i ain't fond of beer. the others got the alcoholic beverages. the waitress was making weird faces at me cuz i was sitting with a bunch of teenage boys. i shrugged it off cuz i don't want another incident. Darry would kill me for sure.

everyone decided to get burgers and shakes. all night, i couldn't stop glancing at Dally. he looked cute when he was laughing at Two-bit's flirting with the waitress. he looked cute when he was eating his fries. he looked cute when he was taunting Ponyboy and Johnny about a group of greasy girls their age, sitting about 15 feet away. it was just a really good night.

after we all went our seperate ways, my brothers decided to have a boys night out: family edition. i told them to drop me off at the house first, i did not wanna get jumped walking home. i didn't mind them doing stuff without me, i could use a night alone at the house.

after i walked in the door, i dropped dead on the couch. not literally, i was just tired after what happened today. getting out of jail, lots of food and milkshakes, and thinking about Dally does a number on ya. i was about to drift into a deep sleep when the door swung open.

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