9. jailed

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after Dally finished his cake, i suddenly had the urge to get in some trouble down at the lil shop down the road from the park. i went up to my room and grabbed my lighter, my hooded sweatshirt, my secret stash of cancer sticks, and my switchblade. i threw off my jean jacket and sloppily put on my sweatshirt. "where are you going in such a hurry?" Darry asked, which i nearly screamed cuz he snuck up on me. "Dally needs painkillers, so i'm going to pick some up," that wasn't completely a lie, i was going to steal some for him. "and you need a switchblade for just down the road?" "those damm socs, they could be anywhere," i say in a creepy tone. "hurry back," Darry says then leaves the room.

i ran down the stairs, almost tripping on them. i made it to the door, but stopped dead in my tracks. i turned slowly to look at Dally, sleeping on the couch. i stepped towards him, hoping he doesn't wake up. i don't know what comes over me, but i end up kissing him on the cheek. he grunts and then slowly wakes up. i'm out the door before he could see me.

i was walking down the street when a car full of socs started hoopin' and hollerin' at me. i didn't think anything of it til the car cut me off and the load of people in it got out. 3 burly socs stood over me. i was 18 years old, but i only stood 5 feet and 7 inches tall. "what's a greasy girl like you walking all by her lonesome out here?" one slurred at me. i rolled my eyes, but didn't say anything. "ya know, a guy would like an answer," another soc slapped me across the face. i could feel the red handprint forming on my cheek. it stung, but nothing i couldn't handle. the socs stood back for a second and studied my structure. the one in the middle whispered something in the others' ears, but i didn't catch it. all of a sudden a very tall one had me on the ground.

his long legs standing on my arms didn't feel good. i already know i'm gonna have bruises looking like the bottom of a shoe. he squated down and took a blade out of his back pocket. he held it against my neck and started to make an incision. it got pretty deep before he took the blade away. i knew better then to scream when they kicked and punched and cut me up. although i really wanted to, i didn't.

a few more incisions and punches and kicks later, the soc finally got off my arms. i figured they got bored and went to do more dumb soccy things. i also thought i looked mighty tuff all bruised and beaten. i decided to still cause trouble at the store, cuz i'm bored and got nothing else better to do.

i finally made it to the store and i walked around a lil bit to make sure the clerk was off my back. i got a few dirty looks from other shoppers, but it didn't bother me. i started walking towards the magazine section and flipped through the magazines till i pissed the clerk off. "you gonna buy one or not?" he snapped. i threw him a glare and carried on flipping through pages. "well?" he said. i picked out a magezine and went up to the table he was standing at. i held it up and ripped it in front of his face. "if you rip them up, you have to pay for them," he says angrily. "yea, i don't think so," i said and got my blade out. i put the tip on his nose. "gimme the money," i mumbled. after he didn't listen, i screamed louder, "GIMME THE GODDAMN MONEY!" he started moving after that and gave me everything in the cash register. i snatched it from him and took off. before i left, i glanced behind my back and saw a crowd of people watching me rob the store.

i was casually walking down the street when i heard some sirens behind me. i picked up my pace, but the cops already caught up to me. they had me pinned against a wall while they handcuffed me. "watch it fellas, i got beat and i don't want an infection," i say cooly. but they still slammed me into the car and drove me to prison. all i could think about was how mad Darry is gonna be when he finds out about this.

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