17. bad idea

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"BULLSHIT! I ALREADY WENT TO SCHOOL!" i yelled at him. Darry didn't look surprised at my reaction. "you forgot about high school, you only went through elementary for 4 years," he said calmly. "i have street smarts, that's all i need," i reply. "you ain't gettin' away from it, kid," he points a deceiving finger at me then exits the room.

i knew Two-bit went to school and Pony, and Johnny, and Steve. i think. i could just hang with them the whole day. Two-bit said that i was in his class, he's a junior. i had time to get used to this new change.

i went to Buck's to hang out with Dally and i had to tell him that Darry put me through school. "i definitely wasn't expecting to see you here, doll," Dally said as soon as he spotted me. "i definitely wasn't expecting to see you without some broad," i say back. "i'm saving myself for you," he smirked. i rolled my eyes and sat at the bar. Buck walked up to me, "what can i get ya?" i said tiredly, "something heavy." Dally sat next to me. "got something on your mind?" i looked at him sadly. "i, uh, gotta start school next week...."

Dally was sad and angry at the same time. he said words that even i didn't know. he started a huge fight, then we had to leave. "so you're really going to school, huh?" he asked. "yeah, but it ain't a big deal. i'll still be here! just not th whole day," i said, trying to cheer him up. "but i can't see you the whole day!" he whined. "quit your crying and get a grip," i snap. "i ain't cryin'," he mumbled.

Dally and i had the entire day to ourselves. Darry was at work, Soda and Steve were at a drag race with Evie and Sandy, Pony and Johnny were having a movie marathon at home, and Two-bit was at the drive-in, pulling up girls' skirts. he seemed to enjoy that a lot. i dragged Dally to the store and bought a bunch of soc clothes. i had an idea.

i made Dally dress up as a soc and i dressed up as a rich girl. "this will be fun! i promise," i said then playfully punched his shoulder. "alright, fine." we drove Buck's car to the south side of town, the socialite territory. Dally looked hilarious and adorable in his kakis and madras. i rocked a skirt and a shirt that girls wore. Dally and i looked like a couple of socs, and i liked it.

we walked through the neighborhood that the richest of the rich live. i saw Bob and Randy start to walk towards us. this was gonna be interesting. "what are you greasers doing on our turf?" Bob spat. "we ain't greasers no more, we're socs now," i smiled smugly. Dally crossed his arms. "how'd you guys afford clothes like us?" Randy asked. i laughed. "we won the lottery," i lied. i'm skilled at lying. "just because you're rich now, doesn't mean we have any reason to be nice to you, you'll always have greaser blood," Bob sneered then slapped me in the face and stalked off with Randy. Dally was rolling his sleeves up, getting ready to fight, but i stopped him. "don't worry about it, i'm tough," i said.

the both of us walked back to the car. the walk was silent, we both knew we wanted to go home. "i'm still gonna get him back for hitting you, especially in front of me," Dally said. i looked into his eyes. they had a dangerous look in them, something so dangerous i knew i couldn't stop it.

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