26. regrets

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the bell finally rang and i literally sprinted out of that classroom. i even left Two-bit in there, i felt bad after a little bit. i hurriedly ran through the crowded hallways and finally made my way to the front doors. i pushed them open and breathed in all the fresh air. that school stank.

i walked over to the DX cuz i knew Soda was working. i walked through the door and saw Sandy. she looked at me and her face hardened. "Sodie, when did she come back to town?" she sneered. "not long ago, you were probably too busy getting pregnant," i giggled. Sandy gasped, "you aren't gonna let her talk to me like that, are you, baby?" "Shyla, c'mon. give it a rest." i groaned and walked right between them. i went to the back of the store and grabbed a box of cigarettes. "Soda since we didn't to go to the drive-in the other day, let's go after we see Dally," i suggest. "sure whatever you want," Soda said, still looking at Sandy. he wasn't listening to me.

i hang around the DX for a little bit, awkwardly watching Soda and Sandy be all cutsie together. when they kissed i gagged. when they hugged i laughed. Soda eventually told me to bother someone else. as i left, i looked back to see Sandy blow a kiss at me. i hated her guts with all i had.

i walked back to my house while playing with my switchblade. i suddenly stopped to get a good look at it. engraved on the blade was Darrel Curtis 1934. this was my dad's switchblade. i took a really long look at it. i felt a hot tear fall on my cheek. it was a peculiar feeling for me, since i haven't cried in forever. i scraped it off my cheek and flicked it away. i jammed the blade in my pocket, and i planned to protect it as good as i can.

my house was in sight. i kept walking, but i felt a hand on my shoulder. i turned around and there stood, Justin Lloyd. the one and only. he was in one of my classes.

Justin tightened his grip on my shoulder. "why, hello Shyla Grace Curtis." he proceeded to put his other hand around my waist. i felt a shiver run down my spine. "i've heard some things about you," he smirked. "like what?" i asked. "you're a bad girl," he said in his low voice. "why don't you come with me? i'll pay you to do stuff for me. i know your family is, how sould i put this, finnacially challenged?" i could feel my face get pale. i knew what he was talking about. i thought it over. my brothers would never be okay with me. but they needed the money. "fine, but i have a few conditions. one, if you say a word of this to ANYONE, i'm gonna kill you. two, if you get me pregnant, i'll kill you. you did say i was a bad girl. bad girls stay true to their every word," i growled. Justin pulled me by the wrist to his car.

Justin pulled up to a big house that socs live in. he dragged me in it and threw me inside a dark bedroom. i thought to myself, 'what the hell did i get myself into?' then i realized i ain't gonna go see Dally today. i sighed. i love Dally, i admit it. i really do. i can't stop thinkin' about him. ever since he kissed me.

i layed there on the bed and the door swung open. Justin stepped in and he wore a devilish look. i knew that we were gonna do some unholy things here. he stepped up to me and motioned me towards him. i knew if i didn't follow his orders, then i'd get hurt. so i went to him and he grabbed my face. "you better kiss back," he whispered before slamming his lips onto mine. the impact made me bite my tongue. but i followed his instructions and my tongue had to go into his mouth. i gagged in my mind, still regretting my decision.

Justin removed his hands from my face and put both of them on my ass. he squeezed me hard and i accidently moaned in his mouth. he smirked and squeezed harder. he pulled away and threw me onto the bed. Justin then threw himself on top of me and started to kiss my neck. i didn't know what to do, so i just layed there and let him do everything. he started grinding on me, and i pushed him away. he fell back into a closet. i ran outta the room, and went into another. then i saw something in the corner of my eye. i huge stack of cash. next to it was a backpack. i stuffed all the money into the bag and sprinted out of the room before Justin could catch me.

i ran all the way back to my side of town and ran right to the hospital. i didn't wait to be lead into Dally's room. i ran all the way down the maze of hallways till i stopped in fromt of Dally's room number. 67. i opened the door and there Dally was, sleeping in his bed. he looked really peaceful. i stared at him for a minute. "i know when someone's staring at me," he said suddenly. he made me jump. "Dally! Dally! Dally! look what i have!" i screeched. "hey, calm down, lemme see," he said. i gave him the backpack and he opened it. his eyes lit up when he saw all the money. "where the hell did you get all this money?" he asked excitedly. "funny story..." i trailed off. "i'd rather tell you when you get out of the hospital, when do you get out?" i added. "tomorrow maybe," Dally smiled. i smiled back at him, "it's about time."

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