Chapter One

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~The Start of a New School Year~

Yoongi's POV

Ah, I haven't heard this in a while.

I toss over on my bed, biting my inner cheek with a pillow on my head, trying to drain out the sound of the ringing alarm clock. I shouldn't have gone to bed late last night or have gotten a horrible sleeping habit over summer break. Luckily, I did set the alarm for 6:00am when I really need to be up and ready by 7:00am.

I reach out my arm towards the loud noise, searching for that damn clock to throw across the room. With my sight blinded by my quilt covers and my position on the other side of the bed to my bedside table didn't help whatsoever in trying to turn it off.

"Aish, alright alright! I'll just wake up now then!" I scream at the clock, seeing if I could possibly be any louder than it. Rubbing the back of one of my hands against my dazed eyes, I turn off the alarm clock with the other. I carry on with rubbing my eyes until they adjust to the light in the room provided from the sun.

Forcefully I lift myself off my bed, lingering over my school uniform. The blazer was thin and wrinkled with our school emblem sewn onto its pocket. I didn't have enough money to buy the actual school uniform so I just used what I had and could afford. My white blouse was stained with what looked like mud but was really just some chocolate milk which isn't able to wash out. The top button and bottom button are broke. Again, I just bought some trousers but I had to buy them at a charity shop since at the time I never had enough money. There where holes near the knees and rips at the hem.

People usually get the wrong idea when I wear these, they think I get into fights and do drug dealing and shit like that.

But in reality, my parents left me and sent me to a one room apartment (it includes a bathroom). At first they were fine with paying my living expenses so I wouldn't have to go back but after a while they got a divorce and didn't bother with me anymore.

Yes, I got a part time job but that hardly helped me in paying rent. Luckily, the owner of the apartment's wife was happy in looking after me after hearing the incident. Although, I do pay by bringing food from the cafe I work at back for them and sometimes doing laundry. They honestly do to much for me. Every now and then they offer me food and things like that but I refuse it because I don't know how else I can pay them back. Apparently their son has a part time job as a model or something so they say that I don't need to pay them back because they get enough money from that. Still I refuse.

I won't go into full detail.

I slap my cheeks softly, walking over to the bathroom to take a 'quick' shower.


Swiftly, I dry my raven black hair before drying my body. Hastily I put my school uniform on, realising how much time I wasted on taking my shower.

It was 7:40am now as I shovel down my toast and grabbing my bag as I sprint out of the door.


I'm late. I'm incredibly late.

And what makes it even better is that I don't have my class schedule. It's 8:15am and classes start at 8:00am. I cross my fingers hoping I have a nice teacher.

"P-please can I have my school schedule- Min Yoongi, my name is Min Yoongi." I startled the receptionist as I shove into her desk. She looks through her files, quickly finding it and printing it out.

"Hurry up, Min Yoongi you are late." She remarks sternly. I bite my tongue, taking the paper from her.

"Thank you." I bow a little, taking a quick look at it.

First Period
Classroom 22
Mr Kim

Okay. I let out a long sigh, remembering room 22 should be on the middle floor. I sprint up the stairs, accidentally knocking into teachers who walk past.

Finally I'm here. I burst in, out of breath from the steep stairs.

"I-I'm here!" I almost yell, earning laughs and grunts from my fellow students. The room had 4 large tables with multiple chairs surrounding them. There were display boards circling around the room with students artwork hanging on it neatly. At the front of the classroom, where I am now is a small whiteboard with a large black board next to it. In front of that is a wooden desk.

Leaning on the desk was a tall man who wore thin glasses and a cute, cream sweater over a white shirt with grey trousers. Even though that is a weird combination of colours, it somehow suites him and his chocolate-brown hair.

He chuckled a little as he watches me stumble into class with my bag holding onto my shoulders for dear life.

The man picks up a piece of paper with short lines of names.

"Min Yoongi right? I'm guessing since you the only one who isn't marked present on this list." I swallow as I nod.

The man's smile quickly curves downwards as he walks towards me, only to stand at the end of his desk, slamming his hand down roughly on his desk.

"This is not acceptable! Late for your first lesson, detention!" I quiver, biting my bottom lip. He points towards a small table next to his desk with one chair.

"You can sit there, Min Yoongi." He smirks at me as the rest of the laugh at my humiliation. I nod, slightly scared by his change in temper. I rush over to the table. The chair faced the wall so I couldn't look at my classmates which I was kinda thankful for. I sat down.

The man lingers over me as I take out my stationary.

"Mr Kim. That's what you and other students are going to address me as, got that? You will be sat at the front for the rest of this year. If you turn around to talk to anyone else then you will receive punishment."

"Like I want to talk to anyone." I reply quickly which angers Mr Kim more.

"I was going to give you a 15 minute detention at break, but now I'm turning it into a half am hour detention after school for answering back." He roughly slams a detention slip onto the table.

"Don't be late or skip it or you will receive an even greater punishment." I nod as he walks away. I let out my breath, breathing heavily as I could hardly breath during that threatening lecture.

"Okay, everyone settle down. That is an example of my personality. I'm not some teacher you can easily mess with. You will get strict punishments so make sure you remember that throughout this year." I hear the students behind me gulp intensely as they answer with a "Yes Mr Kim."

Seriously? On my first day I get an after school detention?

I put the detention paper in my pocket.

"Okay so today we will be testing out different pencils like H pencils and B pencils. Everyone should have a piece of paper on their desks." I look sat my desk to see no piece of paper.

"S-sir I need-"
"Be quiet Yoongi. I will get you one in a minute."

Well this'll be a long lesson.

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