Chapter Five

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Yoongi's POV

My eyelids start to flutter from irritation of the sun which enters through the pale blinds. Rubbing my eyes, I lift myself up from the sofa, groaning at the cuts and bruises that sting because of my sudden movement. I open my eyes widely and rub them again, now adjusted to the light in the room.

I turn my head, my heart in a bit of pain that the model Kang Taehyung isn't here. I grunt, getting up as I feel my bruised bones crack. I cringe at the sound, making my way over to the wooden table.

Sat on the table is a plate of a full English breakfast, Eggs, Toast, Sausage, Baked beans, Mushrooms and some Hash-browns. I lick my lips in frustration that I haven't pleasures my taste buds with it. Next to it is a note:

To Yoongi,
I hope your feeling better, I have to head out to work now but I made you breakfast! You better eat some because I spent a long time putting it together and it's not healthy for a young boy like you to be so skinny so fatten yourself up! Also, have a safe journey home and I would be really grateful if you locked up for me! (The key is under the plant pot on the kitchen counter. I'm trusting you here so don't do anything!
From Ki// Kang Taehyung xxx

I look at the scribble before his name at the bottom but I take no notice of it as I sit down at the table, preparing myself with this delightful food.


Mr Kim/Kim Taehyung's POV

I sigh, pacing up and down the teachers lounge as I ruffle my hair in concern.

"Tae, how long are you going to be at this?" Kim Seokjin is a drama teacher and also one of my best friends. He used to do modelling with me but he isn't as good at disguising himself like me so he quit, worried just in case anyone found out who he is.

"Look I'm just worried! What if he runs into those boys again. I swear to god if the police didn't come then I would have--"

"And who's idea was it to phone the police?" I grumble in defeat, remembering that I am the one who phoned the police.

"Taehyung, how did you even find Yoongi?" I sigh, sitting on the sofa seat opposite from him, sipping my coffee.

"Well one of my other students, Lee Chunhei, she was just around the corner from Yoongi and she was on the phone to her friend about it so I eavesdropped." Jin smirks and laughs a little.

"Oh yeah, I need to do something about her as well." Jin nods, watching me as I get up to pace up and down again.

"Tae, do you have a thing for Yoongi?" I spit out my coffee, glaring at my friend.

"What the hell? No he irritates me. It's funny to tease him in class but that's the only enjoyment I find from him. Also, if your student was being bullied and almost got fucking raped you would just stand by would you?" Jin sniggered at my sudden reaction.

"Well I wouldn't bring him back to my house, kiss his wounds and cuddle him whilst sleeping would I?" Scoffing, I turned away from him.

"Oh and Kang Taehyung? What a brilliant name." I groan.

"Firstly, I had to think on my feet so I just blurted of whatever and secondly, you do a lot more than that to Kim Namjoon." I hear him choke a little on his water, making me snigger.

"Well I guess that's true." He admits. Kim Namjoon is his student and Jin is all over him. Literally. I even caught them making out in the staff bathrooms the other day. It was amusing to see Namjoon's flustered face.

If only I could see Yoongi like that.

Wait what?

I slap my cheeks as I replay what I just said in my mind. I keep replaying it until I get disgusted with the thought.

The bell goes, indicating class is going to start, luckily it's last period today. Maybe I should go see Yoongi but as Taehyung? Wait that would be creepy. I'll just have to wait until he is back in school.

WaIt WHy do I care?

Pfft he can look after himself. Wait after seeing him yesterday, maybe not.

AHhH just shut up Kim- or maybe KaNg TaEhYuNg!


Sorry this chapter was a little random but it till ad key factors in it and sorry that I'm updating quickly btw x3

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