Chapter Thirty Five

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Thanks for the cute happy birthday comments!
I love you all so much ❤️❤️


Taehyung's POV

I stay silent, trying my hardest to not move to prevent the shuffling of my bed. My head is buried into my pillow as I listen out for more little whimpers.

"I-I'm sorry..~"

His voice was slightly squeaky whenever he let out groans and sobs. I keep my head down, trying my hardest not to give into his small cries.

Of course I haven't forgiven him for the evidence I got from Chunhei. I mean, it doesn't really involve me- well his and Jimin's relationship.

But I can't help but feel a painful pang in my heart as it threatens to break into small- unfixable pieces.

Yes, maybe I did seem friendly with him but that's only because I'm not some heartless monster who ignores someone he now is being forced to live with.

Plus it's hardly possible to ignore him due to chores and things like that.

My heart is aching- aching from both guilt and anger as his sobs only got louder. It beats tremendously fast, making me cup my ears in resistance.

No. I'm still angry at him. I can't give into it!

I keep replaying that thought into my mind, my distressed frown soon turning into a comfortable and relaxed smile. I close my eyes yet again, my grip on my pillow softening. But that all changed to fast.

My eyes shoot open in worry for the younger as I hear a loud thud on the floor and a loud cry of pain.

Fuck my bullshit.

Lifting myself up hurriedly, I turn the lamp on which sits on my bedside table. I slide on my plain slippers as I stumble out of my room to just see darkness.

I walks forwards slowly, realising the sobbing has stopped. I bump harshly into the small coffee table as I let out a loud groan in pain.

At least I now know where there sofa bed is.

Why didn't I turn the fucking lights on?

I turn my gaze towards the floor to see a dark, small figure curled up into a ball as little sniffles emerges from it.

Crouching down, I slowly reach my hand out to the shivering boy, placing it on what seems like his back. I rub it slowly, soon drawing small circles with my index finger.

He quickly seems to relax to my touch as I pull him up, supporting him as we walk over towards my room. It's dimly lit by the lamp so I could easily see his damp cheeks and puffy eyes.

I sit him down on my bed, soon sitting next to him as I place an arm gently around his shivering shoulder. Instantly, he shoves it away, falling backwards into my bed so he is hugging he knees in the middle of it.

"D-don't touch me.." He whispers, hardly even audible. I switch my gaze towards the boy who just simply stares at me shyly.

"Yoongi.. what's wrong?" I whisper back to him as I secretly move my hand towards him on the bed.

"W-why do you even care? I-it's not like you care about me anyway." He stutters quietly, as he hiccups throughout the sentence.

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