Chapter Six

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Okay so because I'm an idiot I accidentally made Jin a drama teacher and a student so I'm changing Yoongi's friend (who was Jin) into Jungkook.
Btw this is for people who have read my story and have been keeping up from chapter one

~The Talk~

Mr Kim's POV

I return to my lesson from getting a cup of water. Everyone has been pretty hyper since it's Friday, but I can deal with that. Usually my lessons are more relaxing on Fridays.

Yoongi came in yesterday, he was a little overwhelmed by the class as they stared at him, seeing that he did come in late. I felt bad but his attitude has changed a little.

He has been getting rather annoyed and stressed with his work recently, especially with Chunhei always creeping up on him.

I really need to sort her out.

I walk into the classroom, gaining a few glances but the students were mostly just chatting with one an other. But not Yoongi. I would have thought that he would have gone to talk to Jungkook.

"Are you okay Yoongi? Why don't you go sit to Jungkook today." Yoongi looked up at me, looking into my eyes. I swallow from his intense stare.

"No thanks, I would rather sit here." I tilt my head in surprise.

"Really? Why?" He sighs, looking back at his art book.

"Your annoying, can you just go away." I bite my tongue, a little surprised at that. I step back, a little shocked at Yoongi's mysterious behaviour. I glance over to Chunhei who is looking at Yoongi. I peer down at Yoongi again, seeing the sweat dripping from his head and the fear in his eyes.

I walk to the front of the classroom.
"After class can I keep Chunhei and Yoongi please? It might not be long if you cooperate so you will probably get your lunch."

Yoongi turns his head to me, and I smile kindly.

"What for, sir?" Chunhei asks. She was obviously nervous.

"We can discuss that after lesson, Chunhei." She nods slowly, looking back towards her friends to pat her back.

Yoongi looked angry, his fists were clenched and he was staring down at his art book. I sigh at his expression, going back to my desk to finish off some work.


"Okay see you later, Jungkook." I watch Yoongi as he fist bumps Jungkook.

"Yoongi and Chenhei, come to my desk please." I look at my papers intensely behind my desk.

Yoongi's POV

Oh god. He knows.

Mr Kim raises an eyebrow as we both stand in front of his desk patiently. He sorts out his papers neatly and takes a bite out of a biscuit.

What is he playing at?

"Chunhei what relationship do you have with Yoongi?" I look at Chunhei so seems to be confident and amused.

"Well me and Yoongi have known each other for a while now, we were even a thing!" She grabs onto my arm and hugs it. I look down at her as I gulp.

"Hm, I see. How about you Yoongi?" Quickly, I look up at Mr Kim who is now peering over me.

"M-me?" I break free of Chunhei's grasp as I point at myself.

"No there just so happens that there is another student in my class called Yoongi." I roll my eyes at his sarcasm.

"What's your relationship with Chunhei." I don't know what to say. I'm scared if I say the wrong thing. If I say that we are friends then will he believe me? Or if I say that she bullies me and gets her friends to abuse me for her own pleasure, will Chunhei just get even madder at me?

I flinch as I feel Mr Kim's breath against my ear.

"Tell me the truth, Yoongi." I swallow as he whispers in my ear. I feel Chunhei eyeing me fiercely.

I take in a deep breath.

"W-well." I feel the tears welling in my eyes but I brush them off quickly.

"Well she bullies me and gets her friends to abuse me maybe once or twice a week." Mr Kim doesn't look too surprised but more happy.

"Thanks for telling me the truth. We can speak in private about it la--"

"So you just believe him just like that? You have no proof!" Chunhei's face turns bright red in anger as she grits her teeth.

"Then explain what are all of those bruises and cuts that Yoongi has on his legs and arms?" I flinch, covering my arms and legs up.

"How should I know?" She asks roughly, crossing her arms.

Mr Kim turns his PC desktop around to show an audio file. He clicks play.

"Heh, yeah I left them with Yoongi.
Yeah he was late so they are being really rough with him.
They are just some back alley way.
Okay see you!"

I look at Chunhei who is in utter shock.

"That was you on the phone to your friend, or do you have another explanation?"

"Then why didn't you help Yoongi-"

"I rang the police." I remember now, the sounds of the police car scared off the boys, but I thought that was Kang Taehyung who did that?

She picks up her bag, about to storm out of class.

"I am reporting this to the principle so don't think that running away will help." I chuckle as she storms out, tears running down her cheeks making her heavy eye makeup stream down her face.

"Yoongi I'm sorry for keeping you from your lunch but I would like to talk to you." He smiles sweetly. I swallow hard.


Okay I know there isn't a lot of romance yet but we are slowly getting there!

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