Chapter Nineteen

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~Annoying Friends~

Yoongi's POV

For most of the lesson, me and Mr Kim have been exchanging glances- worried ones. I couldn't concentrate properly, I was scared out of my mind. I'm actually kind of happy I'm at the front of the classroom facing a wall for once.

I cupped my face in my hands, thoughts whizzing around my head at a rapid speed.

What impact will this have on the company? What will happen to Taehyung's secret job.


Now that I think about it..

Why is Taehyung a model when he already has a job as a teacher? Does his parents even know? Maybe I should ask Mina..

Wait and what about the other teachers? They know his name, and if you actually think about Mr Kim being Kim Taehyung then you would defiantly recognise him straight away without a second thought.

Grunting in annoyance, I slump down in my chair, my arms dangling either side. I can't help but feel curious. I do play a part in all of this so I have the right to be.

I caught Taehyung looking at me, yet he never looks away.

I'm confused yet glad that he isn't lecturing me about 'slacking off' and 'being lazy'. Maybe he feels bad?

Or maybe he'll just give me a months detention if I continue.


I look around, frightened if anyone, including Mr Kim had heard my stupid fucking phone.

Luckily, everyone was to busy with their own conversations to realise and Taehyung had gone back to looking on his computer.

I let out a soft sigh in relief, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

You have a message from:

I growl a little, opening the message.


Hey you never told me what was on that board!

What happened to Operation go see what is going on? 😭😭

Wtf Hobi its class time your going to get fucking caught
Not to mention I will too!

Omo just tell me Hyung!

Ffs it was nothing important, just some celebrity shit like a couple or something

Ooo sound fun! Tell me morreeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!! 🤡


Wtf is up with that clown and we
can just find out at break!!!!💢

Send message?

"No texting in my classroom, Yoongi!" I look up to see two, doe eyes drilling into mine. His tone was angry and fierce but his face calm and composed.

He grasps my phone, pulling it out of my reach and he turns it off, ignoring me as I try to reach back for it.

"After school detention Yoongi, you can get your phone tomorrow." He nods at me slightly, eyeing me intensely, enough to send shivers down my spine.

Ah. I get it!

He's using this as an opportunity to talk about what's been happening!

I decide not to argue back, slouching back down in my chair as I just glare at the pen and paper. Rubbing my waist, I trace over a small scar that has been left there.

A scar that will threaten me.

Telling me that I can never forget what happened that day, no matter how much I try to forget, it'll be no use whatsoever.

I pull back into the table, picking up my pencil and dragging it across my paper harshly. Completely ignoring the task, I press the pencil hard on the paper as I start to draw little Kumamon characters.


"Aish, that's shit." I walk down the corridor with Jungkook and Namjoon,  searching for our lockers.

"Why is it shit?" I ask Namjoon, tilting my head to the side.

"Well isn't having detention at the end of the day always shit? Especially since you don't have your phone." I swallow hard, feeling my cheeks burning up as I rush to my locker.

I hear a loud gasp in the background as I put my key into the locker, just about to open it up.

"Yoongi, do you like... Mr Kim?!" Fuck.

I feel my temperature rising as Namjoon and Jungkook stand beside me, observing my every move of taking my P:E bag out of my locker.

"Holy shit you do like him!" I gasp, placing a hand over Jungkook's mouth.

"S-shut the fuck up, Kookie!" I whisper-shout at him before getting a pat on my shoulder.

"Jeez your so obvious Yoongi." Both me and Jungkook turn around to Namjoon who has a smirk drawing across his lips. We both reply with a 'seriously?' look on our faces.

"W-what?" He stammers after looking at our facial expressions intently.

"Yeah like your any better when we talk about Mr Kim Seokbin or whatever his name is." I reply, slamming my locker shut and pulling my P:E bag over my shoulder.

He looks at me, extremely offended.

"It's Mr Kim Seokjin. Kim Seokjin!!" He repeats loudly at us as we start walking away with smug looks on our faces. Namjoon quickly follows behind.

"Welp, this is my stop guys." I exclaim to them as they pat my shoulders.

"Good luck~!" They both shout at me in sync before pushing me through the already open door, sending me to the ground.

I rub my head, looking up with slightly dazed eyes.

"You always like to make an entrance, don't you Yoongi?"


Sorry another shitty and boring chapter :/

Hopefully next chapter will be better for you guys! ❤️❤️

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