Chapter Thirteen

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~'I am not in love with him!!!!'~

Mr Kim's POV

"What are you two doing?" I growl, anger quickly engulfing my body. I watch Park Jimin's hand trail up and down Yoongi's thighs, a smirk growing on his mouth out of Yoongi's view.

"M-Mr Kim–." Yoongi starts, I watch as his face reddens and his bangs purposely fall over his face in embarrassment.

"I asked you a question, Mr Park." He huffs, crouching down letting Yoongi slide down his back. I watch as Yoongi tries to run away but is caught in Mr Park's grasp, being forced next to him. The way Mr Park's hand sneaks around his slim waist angers me even more as I ball my fists tightly.

"Yoongi and I was just putting away the stuff I ordered." I roll my eyes, stepping into the room.

"Well how come he is here now, school ended 40 minutes ago." Jimin rubs his temples, obviously getting angrier by the second.

"He has detention with me for an hour, Mr Kim. Why are you here?" Chuckling, I move closer to Jimin and Yoongi. I could tell Yoongi was nervous and embarrassed. His little fingers were trembling and he couldn't look at me, no matter how close I got.

"I came here to get Yoongi, since this is his last class and he never turned up to my room after school." He twisted his head up at me, obviously confused at why I said that.

I guess he never got my note.

"Well I'll be leaving with Yoongi now." Hurriedly, I take Yoongi by the hand, dragging him over to me.

Jimin gave me a dirty look, obviously annoyed at my sudden actions. But he really did give up quickly. I turn around, pulling Yoongi along with me.

"Why do you need him?" I groan in annoyance, turning my head to the side.

"We need to talk, that's all. Then Yoongi will be going home since there is now only 5 minutes left." Jimin scoffs, hands in his pockets as he walks up to us slowly.

"Yoongi, I hope that you can help me again. I had a lot of fun today." His presence starts to anger me, my grip tightening on Yoongi's hand.

"Bye." I slam the door shut, dragging Yoongi down the corridor.

"M-Mr Kim wait! Why did you–." I glare at him harshly, making him shut up and look towards the ground as he stumbles behind me.

Roughly, I open the door and turn on the light.

"Yoongi get in." I growl at him. His expression hurts me, the way his bottom lip trembled and his eyes squint  in anger and fear. I know I'm being harsh, maybe too harsh but him being with Mr Park has really ticked me off.

"Mr Kim what did I–" I quickly cut him off as I clasp my lips onto his, pushing him against the table. Gripping onto his shoulders I forcefully kiss him, feeling him squirm underneath me as I lean over him.

His soft hands push roughly against my chest.


You won't get away from me.

I continue to kiss him, placing one hand gently on his cheek. After a little while, his squirming calms down, soon giving up as he lets me kiss him.

The next thing surprises me.

He starts to kiss me back. It was a little sloppy at first but it gets heated quickly as I place my hand on his slim waist and push against him.

"M-Mr Kim.." I pull away from him, shocked at my own actions. His face was flustered and his eyes were glassy - almost doll-like, with tears.

I curse at myself, stepping backwards against my desk. I rub my temples in anger and frustration.

From the corner of my eye I watch the boy stumble out of my room.

Why the hell did I do that?

Thoughts ran around in my head like a whirlwind.

What's up with me?

Was this out of jealousy?

Is it because I saw Mr Park touch him?

Was it just to take my anger out?

Am I in love with him?


"N-no I am not in love with him!!!!"

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