Chapter Seventeen

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~My Saviour~

Yoongi's POV

I lift the hot chocolate up to my lips, feeling the warmth which radiates from the cup. Jackson places a soft blanket over my knees as I hug them tightly with on hand.

I'm in Taehyung's apartment, Jackson happened to be there when Tae brung me here so all he has been doing is comforting me whilst Tae has been pondering about the kitchen, on the phone most of the time.

I sigh, sinking into the couch, tightening my grip on my knees and the cup which was still lifted up against my mouth.

I recall the horrible incident, tears rushing to my eyes.

Yoongi's POV Flashback

"Get your hands off my girlfriend!" I look up, tears pouring out of my eyes, wetting my cheeks.

Taehyung stood a good distance away from me, glaring at the boys which tightening their grip on me, causing me to wince in pain.

"Oh, your that fucking model that poses with her right? Cut the shit, she obviously isn't your girlfriend, your just trying to make yourself look good." One hissed slyly, dragging me back away from Taehyung, my free hand reaching out for him.

"I'm not lying. She is my fucking girlfriend. I know her better than anyone. I know her real name, what school she went to, where she lives, her phone number and he weaknesses. And at the moment your her weakness so get your dirty hands off her!" He snapped fiercely, stomping closer to us. The boys pull back, me along with them.

I've never seen that disgusted and fierce look in his doe eyes.

Actually I have.

When he saved me from those other boys who were bribed and bossed by Chunhei. They hurt me, embarrassed me, harassed me. But this beautiful man saved me from all of that, he took me in that day, kissed the pain away and left the next morning.

And then I found out his was my teacher.

One of the boys stood forward, clenching his fists as he starts to make his way over to Taehyung.

I swallow hard, using all of my strength to break free of their clutches. Lunging forward, I grab the man's arm, pulling him back, tears threatening to fall.

"Aish, bitch!" He slapped me away, pushing me to the floor roughly onto my side, making sure to leave a nasty bruise.

I clench my hands shakily, wincing loudly in pain and hissing.

I shuffled around, holding my side as I hear the sounds of huffing and puffing with shuffling as well.

I freeze as I watch Taehyung grab each boy, making sure to push them aside properly, punching each one harshly as it makes a path way to me.

"If you fucking touch her one more time, your dead!" He growled loudly at the boy who pushed me, kneeing him in the gut roughly a couple of times, soon punching him in the face onto the floor. He didn't even try to fight back, he just helplessly fell to the floor, hissing in pain as he held his stomach tightly just like the other boys.

Many people gathered around us, a couple 'ooo'ing and screaming a little at each hit that Taehyung threw at them. Many had their phones out as well, filming and taking pictures of the whole thing.

There were now a line of fallen boys, groaning in pain.

I wince, backing up a bit away from the boys, a little scared. There was something in Taehyung's eyes as he was beating them up, it was different than the time I saw that day.

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