Chapter Two

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I run my hands throw my now wet, black hair. I fell disgusting. Sweat drips down my neck, soon going down my back which makes me feel highly uncomfortable.

It's not fun being the ball boy when everyone else gets to play tennis. Especially since I forgot my money to buy lunch. So I'm the ball boy who hasn't eaten any lunch. I crouch down a little, hands on my knees as I take deep breaths. My class mates purposely hit the ball out of the tennis lines so I have to got pick them all up and either pass it back to the players or put them in the small box.


"Hahahha!!" Everyone laughed as I fall harshly onto the ground as a ball hits me in the mouth roughly, making me drop all of the balls I had in my arms. Being bullied isn't anything new to me so I didn't really care.

But holy shit that hurt like hell!

"Okay, everyone in now. Have a good evening." Our PE teacher beckons us in, except me as I am left alone on the tennis court to pick up the many balls that I dropped and the ones that were already on the floor.

Everyone fled, sniggering and talking proudly amongst themselves. I sigh, feeling defeated at the sight of balls that were scattered across the court. I punch the floor, annoyed.


I run my hair with a towel from the brief shower. It felt so nice to feel clean. I swiftly put my uniform back on, excited to get home after a long day of school. I reach for my blazer, watching as a small slip falls out of the pocket.

Oh shit. I forgot about detention. It's 4:16pm, and I was supposed to be there by 3:45pm! Aish, why did I have to be cursed with such bad luck!

I fling my backpack onto my shoulders, draping my blazer over my arm as I sprint out of the boy's changing room, through the corridors and up the stairs.

Oh shit it's 4:20pm! I look at my watch in horror as I rush into Classroom 22, only to be met with a broad chest.

"Shit-!" I drop my blazer, toppling onto whoever I just ran into. I rub my head lifting myself up. I was now hovered over Mr Kim who eyes me cautiously and angrily.

"I'm so sorry!" I lift myself up off him, standing awkwardly at the side of him. His cold stare sends a shiver down my spine as he stands up, not breaking his eye contact.

"So you end up late to my class in the morning, now rushing in late to detention, knocking me off my feet by tackling me to the ground with your face filthy." His choice of words confuses me when he could have said something a lot simpler and, uh... not as weird?

Wait, my face is filthy? But I had a shower.

I look into the glass of the windows to find my reflection. My nose and lip is bleeding and my hair ruffled from sprinting.

"S-sorry." He hands me a box of tissues. I take it from his grasp, wiping my nose and bottom lip, biting my tongue from the stinging pain in my mouth. It must've been from tennis.

I quickly find myself stepping backwards towards the wooden desk as Mr Kim roams my body with his eyes, stepping closer to me. My body felt a little weak and my face heats up.

Shit! Why am I blushing?

My ass presses against the desk, stopping me from retreating any further. He slams his hand on the desk next to me, making me jump to the side.

I feel his hot breath breathing on my lips, his chocolate eyes which were almost hidden by glasses, piercing through my own. Now that I think about it, he looks very familiar but I just can't put my finger on it. Who is he?

His hand sneaks its way onto the waistband of my trousers making me swallow hard.

"S-stop." My face looked like a tomato now, my body temperature rising by Mr Kim's touch. He smirks, now grabbing hold of my shirt, looking into my eyes.

"Your shirt isn't tucked in." I look down to where we was touching me to find out he was just tucking my shirt it. I gasp, slapping his hand away, turning away from the perverted teacher quickly as I tuck my shirt in.

"You can go home now, I'm satisfied." What does he mean? He is satisfied? Who does that! I'm not a baby I can do it myself.

"Goodbye then-" I am stopped in my tracks as a large, cold hand wraps around my wrist tightly. I take a deep breath in, swallowing.

"You forgot your bag." How much longer is he going to tease me?! I turn around to see my bag hanging by the straps. Mr Kim leans on the table with it in his clutches, swinging it softly whilst smirking slyly at me.

I snatch his out of his hand, running out of the classroom.

Mr Kim's POV

I chuckle to myself at the petite boy's reaction. I pull my other hand out from behind my back, looking at the small book which I 'borrowed' from Yoongi's bag before he left. I lean on my desk opening it surprised but happy.

A sly smirk grew on my face.

"Heh, I can put this to good use."

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