Chapter Twenty Five

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~Devastating Tears~

Yoongi's POV

"M-mom..." I whisper out, clasping my hand over my mouth as I feel something making it's way up my throats as more tears spilled down my face.

The woman in front of me looked worried, she obviously didn't hear what I said as she pats my shoulder.

"J-just- excuse me." My voice is muffled by my hand as I run out, stumbling down the corridors.

I bump into a few people, earning worried and angered glares. I burst hurriedly into the public bathrooms, opening the first toilet stall.

I vomit, finally free of the disgusting feeling of holding it in. I lean my head right over, my tears now falling into the toilet as I continue to vomit. (A/n I don't really want to describe someone vomiting so imma just skip a bit XD)

Taehyung's POV

There was a horrible urge to rush after the crying boy, but the new director stopped me in my tracks.

I look up at her, she is fairly tall with long, curly black locks which just goes past her shoulders. Her eyes were big and black, enough to suck you in like a black hole. Her lips where tinted pink with an adorable button nose.

She looks rather familiar but I just can't put my finger on who she looks like. Maybe an ex?

"Kim Taehyung, correct?" I nod in approval, showing her my boxy smile as I rub my nape.

"I'm Chang Yoonsoo, it's nice to meet you. And I'm guessing that girl is your partner?" I gasp a little bit as I feel my cheeks reddening slightly.

"W-well she's my partner for modelling." She nods, giggling a little as she starts glancing between the door Yoongi ran out and me.

"Why don't you go check on her?" She asks kindly as I vigorously nod my head, already walking away to the bathroom.


I enter the closest bathroom to the studio, knocking on the first stall hesitantly.

"Is that you Yoongi?" I heard the sound of muffled whines and sniffles emerging from the toilet stall, causing me to worry more. Placing my hand on the door handle, I open it slowly.

My heart instantly shatters as I look down at the boy who's face is full of innocence and sadness. His makeup runs down his face almost as fast as his tears.

He is sat on the floor, knees bring up to his chest tightly as he stares at me- not in a mean way but more of a frightened way.

"Come on Yoongi, get up off the floor it's dirty." I say softly, pulling on his arm to help him up.

I watch as his legs tremble as he struggles to get up.

"Okay now, shh." I whisper gently to him as I wipe the tears which continue to silently run down his face.

His cheeks puff out as he rubs the back of his hand against his damp cheeks.

I honestly hate to pry, but I want to know what happened when he saw the new director.

"Okay now, tell me what's wrong darling." I whisper softly as I watch him try to calm himself down.

We were stood there for another minute or so as he slowly stops sniffling and his breath isn't as hitched.

"Come on baby, it's okay." I whisper once again which makes him contain eye contact with me.

"W-well." He stutters dramatically, soon breaking down into even more devastating tears. It's really hard to bare. If I could, I would have swept him of his feet and sat him on my lap on a comfortable chair as I cuddle him.

But at the moment we are standing in an enclosed toilet stall which smells like vomit.

"T-the director she.." He starts again, trying his hardest to maintain his composure.

"Yes?" I reply softly as I stroke his soft, black and silky hair to calm him down.

"S-shes my mom." He replies quietly, but loud enough for me to hear it.

I gasp, slightly pulling away as I recall the conversation I had with my parents the time Yoongi came for dinner:


I carefully carry the dishes over to the sink, placing them all on a small rack for cleaning. Yoongi left around 10 minutes ago and we are now left to tidy up.

I run my hand through my hair as I begin to wash the dishes. My parents are just wiping the table down, pulling a new table blanket out of the dryer to place over the table.

"That poor boy..." My mother murmurs, catching my fathers attention.

"Poor boy, indeed." He replies in sorrow as he straightens out the table blanket.

"Are you talking about Yoongi?" I ask with pure curiosity. My mother nods in response, humming at the same time.

"We let him stay in his apartment for free, although I do think he has a job at a cafe." I turn around, gasping in shock.

"You let him stay for free?! But how do you get paid?" I almost shouted at them both, causing them to flinch.

"He had a troubling past my dear boy. His parents disowned him, soon divorcing each other. We don't know the details but all we know is that we need to take care of this boy, even if it means staying in his apartment for free." I nod at my father, now understanding the stress and the lonliness that Yoongi must be going through.

End of Flashback

"Yoongi are you sure it's her? She told me that her name is Chang Yoon...soo." As I said that, I realised how familiar her's and Yoongi's first names are. But her last name is Chang, not Min.

Yoongi broke into more tears, his small fingers now gripping onto my shirt as he mentally asks for comfort. I accept it as I warmly embrace him in a tight but calming hug. He sniffles as my shirt starts to get damp by is crystal like tears.

"Its definatly her then.." Yoongi whispered audiably against my chest as he whines louder. Gently, I stroke his hair as i calmingly shush him.

"But her last name is Chang, Yoongi. Not Min." He whines louder, the volume of his raspy voice quickly getting louder.

"Thats what her name was before she married my dad!" He bellowed loudly into my chest, sending shivers down my spine. His sniffles and whines got louder, making it even more diffivult to calm this poor boy down.

"Yoongi its okay, shh." I shush him gently as he slowly gets quieter.

"I know a little bit about yours and your parent's relationship, my mom told me." He hums in response, the only sound now was his cute little sniffles.

"I want to tell you what happened, Taehyung." He said, almost bravely and confident.


Sorry, am I updating too regularly or is this okay for you guys??

Have a great morning/day/evening/night~! ❤️❤️

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