Chapter 3

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"I never get this equation. I mean what does the X and Y will help you in the future and real life? It just doesn't make sense." Kathryn exclaimed as she throw off her homework away from her.

"Babe, it's just math. Relax." Nate tried to calm her.

"Relax? Relax?! You've got to be kidding me." Kat breath out. I laugh. "That's what happened for not listening in class all this years." I joked.

She huffed. "I'm not a nerd like you Maddi." she teased. I just stuck my tongue out at her and went back to reading my book. I adjust my glasses and sigh, "I'm bored."

"Oh how about we call the girls and some of Nate friends out for a party at the club." Kat suggested. Her eyes sparkle with excitement.

"No!" Nate and I said at the same time.

"Come on please." she pouted and pulling the puppy dog eyes on us.

Nate is a sucker for that so he instantly give in, "Fine. Whatever." Kat grinned widely and practically throw herself on him.

I gagged, "Eww guys. Keep it PG please. I don't need to watch some live porn. I had enough with my parents." I stated as I shuddered remembering the times when I walked in the middle of my parents getting it on.

Ya, bad timing.

Kat pulled away. "I'll keep it PG only if you agree."

I gasped, "You're evil I tell you. Evil." I drag the word evil at the end making Nate laugh. I sigh and finally give in, "Whatever. As long as I don't have to watch you strip, I'm good."

She squeal and hug me and start kissing my cheeks.

"For heaven's sake! I don't need you to kiss me just after you kiss your boyfriend." I exclaimed and push her off me, wiping my cheeks after that.

She grinned innocently at me before bouncing up and down. "Let me go call them. Go get dress." She told me before walking out of the living room.

"Go get dress." I mimicked her. Nate laugh, "You could totally mimicked people's voice perfectly. You should do a voice over." he joked.

I rolled my eyes, "Get dress Nate. Don't want the angry girlfriend turn to a witch now do you?" I joked.

"I heard that!" Kat yelled out.

Oops said too loud. I shrug and went upstairs to my room. Kat, Nate and I would always study at my house cause it's peaceful and all. Hailey, Lily and Alli didn't like doing homework cause to them it's such a 'nerd'. So while we're studying, they're out shopping or something like that.

I sigh as I changed into my black dress. It stop mid thighs and had sleeves up to my elbow. But I just hate this dress cause it had a low back cut. I let my hair down and let it be on their natural wavy curl hair.

"Maddi! Are you done?" Kat called out.

"Yeah! Just a minute!" I answered. I quickly grabbed my clutch and walk out of my room.

"Hurry up will you? We haven't got all day." Kat snapped.

"Jeez woman. What crawl up your ass and die?" I muttered. Nate who is beside me tried to hold in his laughter.

Kat glared at me and Nate before walking out of the house. "She must be on her period." I said.

"Or she just didn't get laid for a long time." Nate suggested.

My face scrunched up in disgust. "I so didn't need to know that." I stated before leaving the house and locking it after Nate walk out with a smug look on his face.

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