Chapter 16

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I don't know for how long I've sat here, crying. My tears are already dry. I hug my knees tighter to me. I heard footsteps coming to my direction but I'm exhausted to even look up and see who it was.

"Maddison?" a familiar deep voice said, "Hey Maddi. Is that you?"

"Go away," I choked out.

A pair of sneakers stop in my line of view just in front of me. He put his finger on my chin and raise my head. He look over my face and sigh. He shrug off his jacket and wrap it around me.

He took a sit beside me and wrap his arm around my shoulder, bringing me closer. "Everything will be okay, I promise." he said.

I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder, "Don't make promises you can't keep Ash." He chuckled, "I'm not going anywhere princess."


"I've told you before, I'll be there if you needed me. And as much as you denied it, I know deep down you need someone. And so here I am." he stated. I couldn't help and cry again. I wrap my arms around him and buried my face at his chest, crying my eyes out.

"Shh." he soothed, "Everything will be okay." he told me.

I shook my head, "No. It won't be okay." I answered. "I won't have the happy family anymore. My parents won't be showing affection towards each other. Everything will be different Ashton." I cried out, "Everything will be different." I whispered.

"And you'll be okay. Cause I'm here for you. I'll be here to catch you fall." he stated. He stroke my hair and hug me tighter, "I promise Maddi. I won't leave you. Ever."


It's been a month.

A month since I've found out about my parents cheated.

Two weeks since they've divorced.

Three days since I last saw mum at the court when they fighting custody over me.

The judge say I'm old enough to chose. And I chose to stay with dad. Dad was always there for me. He was there when I try to rode on a two wheel bicycle for the first time. He was there, clapping and yelling my name when its my music competition. And basically he was always there. So it is no doubt I will chose him any day. But that doesn't mean my love for my mother is lesser. I love them both equally.

A knock on my door break me from my thoughts. Dad head popped in. He smile sadly at me, "Hey kiddo. How are you?"

I sigh, "I don't know dad. I don't know." I answered.

Dad sat beside me and wrap his arm around my shoulder, "You ready for school tomorrow?" he asked.

"Mum is leaving LA." I stated, completely changing the subject.

"I know sweetie." he sigh.

"She's leaving for Spain." I said, "With that Spanish boyfriend of hers."

Dad sigh again, "Honey sometimes love won't work and we just gotta move on. Yeah, I still love your mother but I need to let her go now."

"Will you be okay?" I asked quietly.

"Time will heal the wounds sweetie. We just gotta be strong." he told me. He kissed my forehead before standing up and walk towards the door, "Get some rest hun. You have school tomorrow."

I sigh and reluctantly got in bed, switching the lights off. Just the sleep never came. I stay up late, staring up at ceiling until tears welled up in my eyes and I start crying all over again.

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