Chapter 34

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Maddison POV

"Are you okay sweetie? You look tired." dad asked as I walk in the kitchen. I just nod my head and shrug, "Throw up all night and I'm tired." I answered.

Last night was a disaster, Ashton keep glaring at Jay and Jay knew it but he ignored it. Jay even flirt with me just to get on Ashton's nerve.

Boys, I don't understand them.

Dad look at me curiously, "When was your last period?" he asked.

I stop eating and think about it. I was suppose to be on my period a month ago.  "My period is almost a month late already?" I mumbled.

I tried to think of a way why I'm still not on my period.

"Lets take you to a doctor okay?" he asked. I look at him wide eyes, "Daddy, Ashton and I did not have sex before if that's what you're implying." I stated.

Dad sigh, "I know hun. But remember the incident? Did he even use protection?" he mumbled.

"Daddy! I'm not pregnant!"

I walk out of the kitchen and walk in the room. There's no way I'm pregnant. He only did once.

But you only need to do once, to get pregnant. A voice in my head said.

I feel nausea and ran to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. I groaned and flush the toilet as I wipe my mouth. I wash my mouth and turn around and scream.

"Jesus dad! Ever heard of knocking?" I exclaimed as I clutch my chest.

He look at me, worried. I sigh, "Okay we'll go to the clinic." I muttered. "And if nothing's wrong with me, you owe me dinner." I added grinning at the end.

He rolled his eyes but nod his head anyway.

Sitting on the chair beside my dad, waiting for the result from the doctor. The doctor came back and sit across from us, behind his desk.

"Maddi, you're one month pregnant now." she said.

I froze and stare at her wide eyes. "And it looks like your pregnancy is fine, I'll be giving you the vitamins and take them daily every morning okay?" she said.

I didn't said anything, I just sat there spacing out. "Yeah, I'll take care of her." dad said, "Thank you Dr Miranda."

Dad grabbed my arm and we stood up. He drag me around since I don't even look where I was going and its like I was frozen in my spot.

Dad help me get in the car and close the door and went over to his side. He put on my seatbelt before putting his own. My tears start to form tears, "I'm pregnant. That fucker got me pregnant." I whisper.

Dad sigh and start the engine. "It's not your fault Maddi." he told me quietly.

"You're upset." I stated.

He sigh again. "I'm not, I'm just as shock as you are right now Maddi." he told me. I look at him, "I need to get abortion." I declared. He look at me quickly and glare, "You may not like the fact that you're pregnant, but that baby in there is innocent. Don't take its life away." He told me sternly.

I sigh and ran my hands through my hair, "I'm 18 daddy. I don't even know one thing how to be a mother." I admitted.

He glance and me quickly before looking back on the road. "Then maybe you can give up the baby at the foster or something." he suggested, but he look pain when he said that.

I didn't answer him and stare outside the window.

One month pregnant.

And I don't even know.

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