Chapter 2

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It's lunch time, I'm making my way to my locker when Daniel called me. I stop and turn around. "Hey, do you mind if we sit with you and your friends?" He asked.

I wanted to laugh but I keep it in, "You want to sit with bunch of girls?"

He shrug. "I'll bring you to Nate's table kay?"

"Thanks." he said. I just smile and shrug.

After dumping my books in my locker, we make our way to the cafeteria. I lead the boys to Nate's table.

"Nate, will it be okay for them to join you? I don't want them to hang with us and become like the girls." I said and shuddered.

Last time when a new student who is a guy, hang with us. He became like us. Gay. It's scary. Nathan must realize what I've talked about cause he also shuddered. "Sure. Don't want them to disappoint the girls here later." he joked.

I smile and turn to the two boys, "See you around." I said before walking away to my girls. When I sat there, all four of them are staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"You just escort or whatever the thing is called the two goddess of the school atm." Hailey exclaimed.

I quirk my eyebrow. "Atm? What the bank machine?"

She rolled her eyes, "No silly. It's at the moment. duh."

I scoff but didn't say anything, just dig in my food. "So why's that mysterious goddess staring at you?" Kathryn asked me. I look up and her, "No you doofus. He just spacing out. He's doing that a lot since this morning." I told her.

"Yeah. Cause staring at a girl like trying to solve a puzzle is called spacing out. Jeez Maddi you're so dense sometimes." she said as she rolled her eyes and took a bite on her pizza.

"Shut it Kat. You're annoying." I hissed.

She narrowed her eyes, "At least I'm not that stupid." she retorted. I gasped, "Girl you just wound me." I declared as I put my hand over my chest, faking hurt.

We all burst out laughing. That's how it goes, between us. We would insult each other and laugh it off a minute later. The girls start chatting among themselves about shopping for the fall season. I look at Nate's table and my eyes met with the grey ones. When he notice me looking at him, he flash me a small smile before looking away. I feel myself smiling back before I look back to my friends.


"So did James asked you out yet?" Lily asked me. James is I don't know how you said it but I used to date him in freshman when we broke up one year later cause he cheated. But somehow, he still not over me and been trying to ask me out ever since. But that still doesn't stop him from flirting around with girls. What a douchebag.

"No, Lily. And I'm not planning to date him or anything." I told her.

"But you guys were so cute together." she whined.

I look at her. "Key word there Lilian. Were. But not anymore. He cheated." I said angrily. She rolled her eyes and huffed but didn't say anything. School has ended few minutes ago and we're waiting for the others cause we driving together to the local cafe where we would always hang out.

"Hey. Sorry we're late." Kathryn said as she make her way with Nate beside her. I waved her off. "Where's Hailey and Alli?" she asked.

I shrug. "They got detention. On the first day." Lily exclaimed. Kathryn smirk, "Let me guess. Hailey got herself in detention cause Alli said something bad about One direction?"

Lily nodded. Hailey is an ultimate Directioner. Say one bad thing about them, Hailey will turn to a hulk and lash out on you. The rest of us including me, we never a fond of 1D. I mean I'm okay with it. But I don't really like boy bands where all of them sings. I rather a boy band where it's a band with at least one or two as the lead singer.

"I never understand that girl." Nate muttered beside Kat making us laugh. Nate never like hanging out with us without any boys around but he would be around once in awhile like right now cause Kat and him didn't get to spend time a lot over the summer.

"Hey, is it okay if Ashton and Daniel hang with us?" Nate asked.

Instantly we heard Lily sing 23 by Miley Cyrus. We look at her pointedly. She stop singing once she realise we staring at her. "What?"

I rolled my eyes and look back at Nate. "Yeah whatever."

He grinned. "Cool I go talk to them. Later babe." he said before kissing Kat and walk away. Kat and Lily start talking about boys butt and all. That's what I hate sometimes being in groups, I always felt left out. I sigh and lean back on my car.

"James is coming back to school next week." Kat stated.

I look at her and raised my eyebrow. She shrug, "Just to let you know." she said. I nod and just lean back and close my eyes again.

Few minutes later, Alli and Hailey finally walk out the front door laughing together. "Sorry we hold you guys back." Alli said once they reached us.

"Its cool." I answered before getting in my car and started the engine.

"I think that's her way to let us know to go." I heard Lily said before I close the door and drove off. I'm tired and hungry so there's no way I'm gonna wait for the girls to get their butt in the car.

I reached the cafe in no time. I got out of the car and locked it before making my way to the glass door.

"You're here early?" Nate stated as he and the two boys took their sit across from me.

I shrug, "I'm hungry."

"You always hungry." Nate retorted.

I stuck my tongue out at him, causing him to chuckle. Nathan is one year older than us. He just stayed back in senior year cause I don't know. He's stupid? And so, he's like a big brother to me. Kat don't mind seeing his protectiveness over me cause she know that it's just like brother and sister.

"Anyway I'm ordering the drinks." Nate announced.

"I'll come with you." Daniel told him and they both make their way to the counter, leaving me and Ashton alone.

This is really awkward. I cleared my throat and search for my phone in my bag. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself to you earlier." I heard him say. And oh my god! His voice. Its perfect. I don't know how to say this but he had a deep angelic like voice.

That doesn't make sense, a voice said in my head.

I look up at him once I found my phone. "No, it's cool. I don't really care." I told him.

He squinted his eyes before shrugging. "So, where's your friends?" He asked casually.

I look around, "No idea. They should be here by now...." I trailed off.

My phone beeped so I check it out. 'Sorry we're late. Went out for a quick shopping. Will be there in a giffy xoxo L'

I rolled my eyes. Of course they would go shopping and never include me. Nate and Daniel came back. 

"I bought you, your usual." Nate said as he hand me my favorite chocolate milkshake with sprinkle around the whipped cream. I thanked him.

"Where's the girls?" he asked.

"Quick shopping." I answered.

He rolled his eyes, "Of course. Typical girls." he mumbled.

"So why aren't you with them?" Daniel asked curiously. I turn to him and shrug. "Shopping is not really my thing, I guess." I said trying not to feel affected.

But honestly, I'll asked myself that. Why did they always count me out on this kind of things? Am I that bad at shopping? I sigh and take a sip on my milkshake.

"Stop thinking so hard Maddi. You'll have wrinkle already." Nate joked.

"Yeah, You don't want to look like a 17 year old girl stuck on a 60 year old lady now do you?" Daniel piped in.

I laugh, "That's mean guys. Just plain mean." I scolded and fake stern look, making all of us laugh. And that's why I get along well with Nate. He can distract me and cheered me up easily.


Hey Sorry if it's a crap chapter. But I'm just not having a good day and I had a bad headache. So Ya.
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