Chapter 3

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A couple of hours later, the four of us ended up at the apartment, in Jeff's place.
Tonight had been really fun- we were having a great time, which felt odd to say since we'd only known each other for a few hours. Of course, the alcohol was probably a big contributing factor.

Jeff's place was a lot like mine, only he didn't have the water view like I did.
He didn't care if we smoked in here- or at least it didn't seem like he did since all four of us were. I was sitting cross legged on the worn tan sofa with Stone,  Jeff was sitting on the bar stool strumming his bass guitar, and Chris was laying on his side on the floor in front of the tv. MTV was on. My favorite interviewer, Ricki Rachtman, came on just then. "Hey everybody, all right as promised here is our exclusive interview with the new band Soundgarden!"
"Soundgarden," I repeated, aware that my words were slurring a bit. "Some of these names I swear!"
All the guys except Chris looked at me with wide eyes and then started cracking up. Before I could ask what was funny, the TV suddenly showed a close up of a guy who looked exactly like Chris. The hair, the face...
"Holy cow! Chris, that could be your twin!" I said to him, my voice full of drunken wonder.

Chris sat up to a sitting position and faced me. He was laughing too now, as he explained "Heather. That is me."
"What?" I gasped. My eyes went back to the TV, where it showed The Chris look alike and three other guys being interviewed by Ricki. I couldn't believe it.

"I guess it's safe to say you've never heard of my band," Chris added, still smiling in an amused away. I looked back at him.

"You're in a band too? Oh my gosh, this is just crazy. First mother bone lover.... now you're in this Soundgarden... wow.." I trailed off, so confused. Stone grabbed me by the shoulders, making me face him. "Heather, repeat after me: Mother. Love. Bone!"
"Oh give her a break," Jeff said, putting his guitar on its stand.
"It's a lot to take in plus it doesn't help with your recommended drinking party back at Linda's!" Jeff's tone was light enough, but I appreciated him defending me.

Stone shrugged. "Well at least try to get the name right," he muttered.
"I'll try," I promised.
Chris suddenly stood up and stretched his arms above his head. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and I scolded myself for staring at his arms... He was just so beautiful.
Just then the phone rang, and Jeff ran over to get it. "Hello?" he asked into the phone. "Oh man I totally forgot! Uh, yeah he's here. Mhm, I'll ask them. Okay. See you after while."
"That was Andy," Jeff told us.
"His party is tonight and he's wondering why none of us are there." Stone shot up. "Then lets go!" he said eagerly. Chris nodded, "I'm down."

They all looked at me.

"Heather, you wanna come?" Jeff asked.
"It's at Andy's house, he's our lead singer," Stone added. I glanced at the clock on the wall, it was nearly 10 o clock. The smart thing to do would probably be go across the hall back to my room and sleep.... but the alcohol hadn't worn off yet and I wasn't in the mood to be smart. I looked at the guys.

"Sure, but can I freshen up really quick before we go?"

"As long as it doesn't take an hour," Stone said carefully.

"No it won't, I'll be fast." I stood up and headed straight for the door.

"Just come back over when you're done," Jeff said. When I got into my apartment I quickly clipped my hair up and hopped in the shower.
When I got out I started applying fresh makeup, this time a little heavier. Then I dug through my yet to be unpacked bag for something to wear. I decided on a white T-shirt with a short, black slip dress over it. I put away my Converse from earlier and slipped on my Doc Martens.
I let my hair down, ran a brush through it and called it good. I spritzed on a little of my Opium perfume, grabbed my purse and headed down the hall to Jeff's.

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