Chapter 11

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The next few weeks passed pleasantly and quickly- the highlight being that Jeff and I were officially a couple!
While he was an amazing boyfriend, things between somehow didn't seem all that much different than before, except that now we saw each other every day. When our days were busy, as they often were, we always had the nights.

"Bye Jennifer, see you Monday!" I called out as I swung open the shop door. "Have a good weekend!" Jen responded.

I opened my umbrella before stepping out into the chilly rainfall.

Surprisingly, I was adjusting pretty well to Seattle weather. It was mid October and therefore it rained or at the very least, misted, every single day. The sun made a couple rare appearances now and then, but for the most part it was always this: cloudy, cold, and wet.

My summer tan was fading fast, but I didn't mind - it just made me fit in more with the locals. As I walked down the sidewalk, I stopped at my favorite sandwich shop and got some soups to go.

Not long after I made it back to the apartment, I heard a couple quick knocks at the door. With a quiet sigh, I opened the door and then I felt the smile break across my face.
"Hi," he murmured in his sweet and calm voice.
"Hi," I replied back with a smile.
"Mind if I come ins-" I cut him off then by reaching up and pressing my lips to his. He blinked in surprise.

I pulled away and laughed, gauging his reaction.

"I sure hope you don't greet anyone else that way when they knock on your door!"
I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him inside.
"Only you," I assured him with a wink. Jeff walked to my couch and plopped down, patting the spot next to him. I shut and locked the door before joining him.

We talked easily, as always, about our day and how things had went.
After a little while, we ate the soup I had picked up earlier.
"So," Jeff began suddenly. "Question. Would you be interested in going to a concert tonight?"

"Mother Love Bone is playing tonight? You didn't tell me that!"

"No no, we're not. Alice In Chains is."

My interest was piqued.

Jeff continued, "I know you probably don't know them, they're awesome though."

I shook my head "I know them! Jerry Cantrell is the lead singer right?"

He seemed surprise at my response. Now he shook his head. "No, Layne Staley is the lead singer. Jerry is kind of the creative one behind it all though. Or so I've heard. How do you know who Jerry is?"

I explained how I'd met him at that very first party at Andy's house almost three months ago.

"Oh," Jeff murmured with a nod, distracted by some other thought.
"Well do you want to go?" he continued.

"Sure, sounds fun!"

Jeff grinned and kissed me on the cheek. "Cool. We're gonna ride with Stone, Andy, Greg and Bruce if that's okay with you."

"Yeah that's fine! When do I need to be ready?"

Jeff glanced at the clock on the wall.
"We need to leave in about an hour, to be safe," he said.

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