Chapter 16

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The next morning I woke up earlier than I wanted to, drank a cup of coffee while I watched the news- and then it was off to work.

Every day for the next six weeks began the same way.

Winter in Seattle wasn't nearly as bad as I feared it would be. In fact, it got much colder back home in Indiana.
The only thing that made it hard, was that the sun was almost always missing. If I looked like a local before, I definitely did now.
Today was December 31st, and though it goes with out saying, I think it's worth saying, it was the last day of 1989. The thought of a new decade felt daunting somehow, and I wondered what all it might hold.

As I flipped the 'closed' sign on the door of Easy Street Records, I saw tiny snowflakes fluttering to the ground. "Hey Jen," I called casually over my shoulder. "I think it's going to snow."

We were closing early today, well only one hour, Jen said we needed to remain open incase anyone needed to come get records to play at their New Year's Eve parties. Which was smart, because we actually had five customers come in after lunch for that very reason.

After I'd gathered my things, Jen appeared from around the corner with her purse on her shoulder.
I raised my eyebrows at her. "You're actually leaving at the same time as me?" I asked, shocked. Jen was notorious for working long after "hours," she was just a busy person.

She put a hand on her hip. "It's closing time, isn't it?" She responded in her usual spunky tone.
"Well yes, but-"
"Believe it or not, I have a party to get ready for," Jen said, cutting me off.
"Oh, very nice," I commended, grinning, (and still a little shocked.)
We walked out the door together and I waited as she locked up.

"I'm sure you have a party to attend as well, don't you? With those wild group of boys you hang around....Certain boys in particular..." She trailed off, winking.

I laughed. "Go ahead and say his name."

"Jerry Cantrell," she sighed dreamily.

I rolled my eyes and laughed again.
Jennifer had a huge crush on Jerry ever since the Alice In Chains boys stopped by the shop awhile back. She was appreciative, to say the least, of the connection I had to this new, and growing, music scene.
It was me who introduced her to Jerry when they came in, and I could see it in her eyes right off that she liked him. Jen was a little older than all of us, but I suppose age is 'but a number', as they say. I, on the other hand, was just trying to avoid Mike.

I really hoped he had been drunk enough to not remember our conversation that night at the party, or at the very least, me telling him about the state flower of Indiana.

Jen rambled on like a teenager about how gorgeous Jerry's blonde hair was all the way to the parking lot behind the shop. We said goodbye after that, and she left me with the ever-cheesy "See ya next year!"

Once I got back to my place, it was nearing five o'clock. When I glanced out my window, the little snow flurries were still coming down quickly. It made me crave some hot chocolate... Or actually anything. I was starving! Just then: three knocks at the door.
I headed to answer it.

With my hand resting on the dead bolt, I looked through the peep hole before I opened it. I smiled when I saw the knocker.

Unlocking the door, I let him in.
"Are you hungry by chance?" he asked cheerily. In his hands were 2 bags of take out. Mmm, smelled like Roxy's.
"Starved," I confirmed with a nod. I reached in the bag, but then remembered my manners.

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