Chapter 25

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As much as I didn't want to admit it, Jeff was not the only one who had been unfaithful in our relationship.
When Chris and I made eye contact in that fast, intense moment, I was definitely reminded of it- not that I'd ever really forgotten.

I could compare:

Who cheated worse?

And my answer is immediately Jeff.

Chris and I only kissed that one time.
Jeff on the other hand.....

I was still too furious to think about the details. Nor did I even want to.
But I knew that still didn't make what I had done acceptable.

All these thoughts raced through my mind in the seconds following Chris spotting me from on stage.

How and why had I never been to a Soundgarden concert?
They all did a great job, which didn't surprise me, but it was the intensity and strength of Chris' voice that had me in awe.
His presence in general, too.
Watching him perform was like seeing a completely different person.
I never knew he was so amazing.

When he took his shirt off about halfway through their set, it didn't surprise me that from out of nowhere a bunch of girls started elbowing their way to the front.
But I suppose I couldn't blame them for wanting a closer look.

As I watched Chris- and the sweat dripping down his perfectly toned chest and stomach- I felt a little smug. These girls drooling over him now had no idea just how close I'd been to him.

And then it dawned on me- what was to say I couldn't be that close to him again? My stomach twisted anxiously.

Okay, Heather, be careful.
You've had a few drinks. And besides, it's not been anywhere near enough time to be thinking like this,
I reminded myself.

When the show ended, Chris wished everyone a goodnight and thanked us all for coming out.
The crowd cheered and applauded.

"Pretty awesome huh?" Jerry asked. His voice brought me back to the present.

I nodded in agreement.

"Here," Jerry said, and he reached for my hand. I put mine in his.

"Don't wanna lose you," he explained with a smile.
"We'll go outside until everyone clears out."

So the three of us, Jerry leading and Mike close behind me, wove through the tightly grouped bodies.
When we stepped outside, the cold air  actually felt good. Refreshing.

Suddenly I heard  "Mike!"
We turned and saw a couple of girls waving and grinning.

"Be right back," Mike told us in a cocky tone.

Jerry and I watched as he approached them. He gave them each a hug.
They were beaming.

I looked up at Jerry and said
"I bet that never gets old."

He laughed heartily.
"Nope! Well not yet at least."

I turned my head so he couldn't see me rolling my eyes.
We leaned against the brick wall of the Tavern for a few minutes and watched all the people exiting.
Apart of me was expecting Chris to walk out the door any second now, but then I remembered he was probably in the back loading up all the equipment and instruments.

That was good.

Jerry pulled a cigarette from his jacket pocket and took a long drag.
I felt myself studying his lips; which exhaled the smoke hastily.

He held the cigarette securely between his teeth, then his eyes met mine.

"Well, the nights still plenty young. Is there any place you wanna go? Doesn't look like there's any point in waiting on Mike," Jerry said calmly. He gestured towards his band mate, who seemed to be enjoying himself over there with the adoring ladies.

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