Chapter 26

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When I woke up the next morning, the sunlight was peeking in through the blinds just slightly, and Jerry was still sound asleep on the other side of the bed. I guess he'd gotten hot during the night, because he'd kicked off all his covers, revealing him in all his blue boxer glory.

Jerry- he went from barely more than an acquaintance to someone much more intimate in about an hour. And then I'd turned him down, and he hadn't even been upset, as most guys would've been.
As I lay on my back, I turned my head to look at him again.
I couldn't help but smile.

I thought about getting up and getting dressed, but then I remembered I had no car, and that my "ride" was still very much asleep.
Just then the headache hit me, slowly and then all at once.

I figured that was coming.

I tried to ignore it, but it was too bad. So very quietly, I got up and went downstairs. There had to be Advil somewhere around here.

I glanced into the living room.
As Jerry predicted, Mike was stretched out on the couch, a blanket covering only his legs. His brown curls splayed out across the couch wildly.

He was even prettier in sleep.

I checked all the cabinets and drawers but had no such luck on finding any medicine other than Pepto Bismol.

I grabbed another water bottle from the fridge and headed back upstairs.
On Jerry's side of the bed there was a nightstand. Hmm.
I hated to pry through his personal things, but my head was really killing me. I pulled the wooden knob slowly, and glanced at Jerry.
He didn't even flinch.

Inside the drawer, was an array of interesting finds.

Guitar picks.

Tooth picks.


Condoms- At least he was being safe.

Marlboro cigarettes.

And ahhh, Advil at last.

I popped 3 of the pills and washed it down with a big gulp of water.

After closing the drawer carefully, I crawled back in bed and pulled the covers around me.

I intended to go back to sleep for as long as I could, preferably at least until the Advil took affect, but it just wasn't that simple.
Every time I closed my eyes, I saw exactly what I didn't want to see, and that was the image of Jeff and mystery girl in, for all extensive purposes, our bed.
The thought of it all just made my head hurt worse.
I hated myself for wondering what he was doing right now. How was he handling our break up, so far?
An image of Jeff, doing just fine & happier than ever, on a date with her popped into my head.

But.....maybe I was overrating his character, but somehow that just didn't seem like Jeff.

When we'd stood in my doorway yesterday morning, when I told him it was over, the look in his eyes said a lot.
There had been pain.
And that's good.
I hope he was in pain.
And still is.

Regret or not, this was his decision.
I truly loved Jeff, but I'd learned the hard way that it's better to end it the first time, rather than dragging yourself through it all again.

Because it will happen again.

On that note, I finally forced myself to close my eyes and sleep.

I needed sleep, I deserved that much.

I'd only been in what I think was true sleep for a few minutes when I heard

"Good morning, beautiful!"

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