Chapter 20

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When we got back from the beach,
I walked into the cabin to find yet another surprise. A round cake complete with red sprinkles and candles sat on the kitchen table. In a pretty cursive hand, the frosting spelled out Happy Birthday Heather!
I guess thats what Jeff had run back inside to do before we headed to La Push earlier.

Before we ate it, they sang the birthday song to me, even though I said it wasn't really necessary.
Stone took a picture of Jeff and I, and then another one of me as I blew out the candles. Melanie offered to cut the cake, so I scooped the ice cream.

"All right boys, you go on in the living room. Let the ladies take care of the rest," Melanie said as she shewed them out of the kitchen.

After we'd taken the boys plates of cake and ice cream to them, I came back in the kitchen to get my own.
Melanie followed behind.
She helped herself to a piece, too.

"This cake is delicious," I said, taking a big bite.

Melanie nodded knowingly.
"Mom makes the best!"

I felt my expression become confused. "Your mom made this?"

"Oh yes. She co owns a little bakery down town in Seattle. I was there helping her last week when Jeff came in and asked if we had time to make one for this weekend," she explained casually, but also happily. As if this were just wonderful news.

"Oh..." I trailed off. "Well she did a good job."

Melanie grinned again. "She made one for Jeff's Birthday once when we were a couple. I guess he never forgot how delicious it was!"

Though I tried not to let this thought bother me, my appetite suddenly dissipated. I set my plate down on the counter and stared at my feet.

Melanie didn't seem to notice, or maybe she did and she was pleased.
"Mm, this is totally worth the extra mile I'll have to run tomorrow."
She grabbed her plate and drink and went happily into the living room.

A few minutes passed.
It sounded like they were trying to find something to watch on the television.

Then Jeff came back in the kitchen and cut another piece of cake.
Of course.
But he looked over at me, and concern filled his eyes.

"What's wrong?  You okay?" He set the plate down and walked over to me, his hands softly grabbing my arms.

"Oh I'm fine," I lied cheerily.

Jeff stared at my face until I had to meet his eyes.

"Hold on," he said. "I have something I need to give you. Just let me take Stone's cake to him."

Oh. The second piece was for Stone.

A strange, and irrational, feeling of relief came over me then.
I didn't want to be that girlfriend, the one that can't handle hearing anything from her boyfriends past, especially when it was before he even knew her. But something about Melanie, and her constant boasting, and her seemingly obsession with Jeff was starting to really get on my nerves.

Get it out of your head, Heather.

You have nothing to worry about.

Jeff was back in the kitchen then, and he grabbed my hand in his own.
"Come on," he said softly.

We walked down the hallway and to our room, where he told me to sit on the foot of the bed.

"It's not a birthday without a gift right?"

He dug around in his suitcase before pulling out a little velvet box wrapped in a red satin bow.

"Jeff..." I protested.

He shook his head. "Just open it, please."

So I did.
Nestled inside was a necklace; it had a dainty but very pretty gold chain with a tiny guitar for the charm.
Best of all, it was a bass guitar.

I looked up at Jeff who was watching expectantly.
"I absolutely love it."

His answering smile was so joyous I felt myself already forgetting about the stupid cake.

"Can I put it on you?" He asked gently.

"Yes, please," I said quietly, handing him the necklace.

I lifted my hair as he struggled with the clasp, it took a little bit, but he got it. I let my hair fall down, and adjusted the charm so that it lay perfectly centered on my chest.

Jeff liked it. I did, too.
"Thanks babe. It's perfect."

"Now you always have a little piece of me with you," he said lovingly.

"That's right," I agreed with a smile, touching the charm.

"And I do have one more gift for you, that is if you're interested," he offered seductively.

"Hmmm... depends on what you have."

Jeff closed the door quietly and then returned to the bed, to me.

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