Chapter 13

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So there I was, holed up in Jerry Cantrell's bathroom in the dark, trying to assess the events of the last sixty seconds.

I pressed my ear to the door, listening as hard as I could.
Shuffling of sheets or clothes.
Quick movement.

And then, from Chris, "Who the fuck is this?" His tone was angry, shocked.
"I'm sorry man, I really am. Uh, sorry Susan." That came from a guy.

I had no recognition of his voice. It sounded like fast footsteps down the hallway, and then quickly downstairs.

Then, Susan spoke again.
"Chris, baby, please. Let me explain."
"No," he said, and there was a finality to his tone.
My eyes widened.
Then Susan tried again: "Chris really, if you'll just let me explain... I promise I can."

Chris raised his voice this time. "No, Susan! Really. Save us both the time. Just go."

"Fine, I will. I will go."

I waited and listened, trying to be as quiet as possible.
Then finally, I heard foot steps, more shuffling of clothes, a slamming of a door, stomping down stairs, then it was quiet.

The knob twisted and the bathroom door carefully pushed open.
I swallowed, heart beating wildly, but it was only Chris. He said nothing, just stared at me. He looked like he could be sick.

"Oh Chris," I whispered. "I'm so sorry."
"You should get down stairs," he said suddenly, his tone was not rude, just mechanical, numb.

I nodded quickly.
He was right.
I reached on my tippy toes and hugged him tight.

I expected him to remain motionless, but his arms squeezed me tightly against him, but like earlier, it was over all too soon.
As soon as he released me, I tip toed down stairs.

On the first floor of the apartment, everything was the same. Un touched by what had taken place upstairs.
The pool game was still going on, as well was the rock star debate. I tucked a hair behind my ears and went to the living room.

I froze in my tracks. The couch was empty..... Jeff was missing.

Frantically I looked around, but I didn't see him. Shit! What if he had come up the stairs looking for me and saw Chris and I?!

And then- hands on my shoulders.

I jumped a little. I turned my head to see Jeff. He was laughing.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!"
I put a hand over my beating heart.
"Well you did!" I wanted to growl the words at him, but instead I said them pleasantly. Gotta act normal.

Still smiling, Jeff walked around me but grabbed my hand for me to follow.
We walked to the front door, the farthest away from everyone else.
"Hey. You making it okay?" He asked,  lowering his chin so he could look me straight in the eyes- his voice was full of care and concern.

"Yeah," I breathed, "totally okay! Jerry sure has fun parties! You?"
Jeff frowned, as if he didn't buy it.
Fun parties? Dammit Heather!

"I'm sorry I fell asleep for so long," he apologized. "What did you do all that time?"
"Oh I just hung out with Stone for a little bit. Then watched a pool game. I met the bass player for Alice In Chains, pretty sure he thought I was an idiot. Oh and Jaws was playing earlier, so I had to catch some of that."
"I missed Jaws?! Damn." He was grinning, but then his expression became serious. "Thanks for always being so cool, babe. Next time, you decide what we do after the concert."

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