Chapter 14

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I was awoken by the sound of a phone ringing, very loudly I might add. My eyes fluttered awake as I rolled over.
The phone was on Jeff's night stand on his side, so he leaned over to answer it.

"Hello," he growled.
The voice on the other end spoke quickly.

Jeff's eyes widened, and he sat up straight in the bed. "Dammit! I'll leave here in 10."
He hung up promptly and looked at me. "Who was that?" I asked, yawning.
"Stone," he answered as he threw back the covers and hopped out of bed. "He called from down town. They're waiting on me at the shoot."
Oh no! I looked over at the alarm clock next to the phone. The big red number stated
5:15 PM
The Mother Love Bone photo shoot started in fifteen minutes - we slept for almost twelve hours.

Jeff was running around frantically to find an outfit.

I got up as well and got dressed, trying to ignore the aching in my head.
Jeff was speedy, within five minutes he had a full outfit on, but something was missing. "Catch," I called.

I tossed him one of his crazy hats.

He smiled. "Will you come with me?"
"Oh gosh I don't know..."
What if Chris had told someone about last night? I doubted he would... because he was just as guilty as me, but with Susan possibly out of the picture now....

Jeff interrupted my complicated thoughts. "Please go, I want you there!"

Sighing, I nodded. "Okay, fine. But I need to put on some fresh clothes at my apartment then." I glanced down at my outfit I had put on almost 24 hours ago. Wow, and what a very eventful 24 hours it had been....
Jeff nodded. "Okay, I'll go ahead and get the bronco pulled to the front. Meet you down there."

I walked into my apartment and switched my jeans and cropped shirt for a green floral print dress and a white vest, with ked tennis shoes. Sweet and innocent looking, I needed all the help I could get, apparently.
I ran a brush through my tangly hair, spritzed on perfume, and out the door I went.

Jeff was standing outside of the bronco, waiting to get my door for me, no doubt. Sure enough, he greeted me with a smile and an open door. I hopped in and he shut it firmly behind me.

When he got in the drivers seat, I said "We're running late as it is. You didn't have to get my door, you know." My voice sounded harsh.

He put the bronco in gear and pulled away from the apartment complex.
"Heather, I know that," and his voice was harsh as well, but then it softened.  "But I also want to show my appreciativeness that you are coming with me."
I looked out my window so I could roll my eyes in private.

It wasn't that I was resenting him, but when he was nice to me it made me feel that much more guilty for what I did. For kissing Chris.
Couldn't Jeff just make things easy and be a jerk like every other guy.

His sweetness however, didn't seem to have any effect on his obeying traffic laws. He was definitely going over the speed limit, his eyes were glued to the road and hands tightly gripped the wheel. It made me laugh a little. Soon enough though we were pulling up to an older looking building, smallish, only a few stories.

We went in a backdoor and Stone was there. "Sheesh. Bout time, Ames."
Jeff just shook his head, saying nothing. Stone laughed, sensing his frustration. "It's cool man. Photographer's still setting up."
Jeff nodded, that made him feel a little better.
"Follow me guys." And we followed

Stone down a hall to an elevator.
Stone pressed number 3, and the elevator groaned and shook a little as the doors closed.
"Hey nice hat," Stone commented to Jeff.
"Thanks, Heather picked it out."

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