Chapter 39

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Heather James

The next several days passed uneventfully. Eddie was back in California, and I hadn't heard any word on when, or if, he would return.
But it was highly likely that he would- Mookie Blaylock, as they were calling themselves, had been a hit.
They drew in a crowd of three hundred that night at the Off Ramp- all extremely curious to hear the band that was "formerly Mother Love Bone."

And they loved them.

Things between Eddie and I obviously didn't end well. I still cringed thinking about it- the almost kiss, the ruined day.

And who did I have to blame?
No one but myself.

But instead of dwelling on the past which I couldn't change, I found myself looking forward, and as of right now, looking for a costume.

It was the day before Halloween and Xana and I were at a little local shop called Red Light Vintage. They sold lots of old, funky clothes- some you could actually wear out normally, and others to create a costume, as we were hoping to do today.

"Do you think everyone is actually going to dress up?" I asked Xana.

She nodded confidently. "Oh yes, definitely. The guys take it pretty seriously."

I laughed. The party this year would be at Jerry's apartment.

"Andy used to love it," Xana recalled in a melancholy tone. She looked away, smiling slightly at some memory. Then she blinked twice and looked back at me.

"Okay, let's find you something good."

We scanned the racks and bins for a good half hour, determined.

Xana found a truly vintage, stunning two piece yellow outfit with sequins. It screamed 70's.
When she tried it on, the store owner came around the corner and gawked.

"Wow, you could be Cher's twin!" the owner exclaimed.

Xana smiled at the compliment, and remarking that she'd just need to make her hair sleek and straight, decided to go with it.

I didn't have the same luck with my costume -  we shopped for another hour and the only thing that caught my eye was a furry gray hat that reminded me of Jeff. 

"It's okay," I told Xana. "Let's take a break."

She frowned. "Okay.... I do know of one other store we could try."

We were heading toward the exit when the store owner stopped us.

"I just came across this," the lady called. And in her hands she held a puddle of black fabric. "I think it would be just perfect on you."

Sighing inwardly, I turned around and walked toward her, Xana behind me.

She held it up to me, and I felt my eyebrows raise. The material was black spandex and it was a jumpsuit.

"I don't know..."

"Just try it on!" Xana urged, insistent as ever. "Please!"

"Okay, fine..."

I took the outfit and went in the dressing room. I tried to avoid looking at myself in the slim mirror. Whatever this was, it fit rather tight.

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