Chapter 28

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"Oh," I gasped. "Hey Chris."

His expression was amused.
He knew he'd caught me off guard.

"How are you?" he asked casually, a smile playing on the corners of his lips.

"Oh I'm doing pretty good. Although it's never a good sign when I get customers coming in this early," I teased.

Chris laughed and set his hands on the counter. "I bet that is a pain. But I really hope you don't consider me just another customer."

"If you walk in through that door during store hours, you're a customer!" I said with a shrug.

"Well if I walked through that door when it wasn't store hours, I'm afraid I would be breaking and entering," he pointed out.

I laughed. "Okay, true. Well can I help you find anything? Or at least get you some coffee?"

I walked out from behind the counter then, and that's when I got to fully observe Chris. He wore faded jeans, a Nirvana t shirt, and a black leather jacket that had Soundgarden embroidered down the sleeve.

Loved the self endorsement, there!

However, the main thing I always noted about Chris was that he took my breath away every time I saw him.
Every. Time.
It was very frustrating.

"Coffee would be good," he said with a smile. "And though this sounds very customer of me, I may have to check out that new Melvin's record you have in the front."

"Oh it must be good. I just put those out yesterday and we've already sold 12." As I spoke, I walked toward the kitchen area and I heard his footsteps following behind.

"Oh it is, I have no doubt. They're pretty good friends of ours, too."

"Oh really?" I asked, glancing up at him briefly as I poured his coffee.

"Mhm," he said, sitting down at one of the little red bar stools. "They're pretty interesting guys. And they've got a cool sound."

"I'll have to listen to them. Cream and sugar?"

"Both please."

"Here you are, sir." And I placed the white coffee mug in front of him.

"Thanks." He took a cautious sip, and I found myself studying his lips.

Trying to think of something to distract myself, I walked from behind the counter and said "be right back."

Chris said nothing, just watched me curiously until I walked out of sight.
Digging through the newer records, I grabbed the one I was looking for and then headed to the turn table in the back. I pulled the black disc carefully out of the sleeve and set it down on the platter.

"Now this is a really great record," I called, loud enough where I knew he could hear me.
As the first song began to play, I quickly walked back to the cafe area.

Chris was smiling joyfully as Flower, the first song on Ultramega OK filled the record store.

I sat on the stool next to his and smiled up at him.

"You know this one?" he asked, sounding truly surprised.

"Well yeah! It's very popular among Seattle's youth," I said with a wink. "Although Louder Than Love is quickly becoming the next most popular." And it was true.

Chris said nothing, just grinned and nodded thoughtfully.
He was humble, but pleased.

We listened together as Flower faded into All Your Lies.

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