Chapter 44

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"True love will triumph in the end - which may or may not be a lie,
but if it is a lie,
it's the most beautiful lie we have."

* * *

Where am I?

A thousand confused, frantic thoughts race through my mind, but I am sure of only one thing:
something is terribly wrong.
I feel it in my soul.

Where am I? I wonder again.

I can't see anything but darkness. It's hard to tell if I am actually in the dark or if my eyes are just closed....

My hearing still works, because I can hear voices, though they seem very far away.

"She's lost a lot of blood," one voice says.

"Is she going to be okay?" Asks a different voice.

"Be careful with her," instructs yet another.

With what little logic and reason I still cling to, I realize they must be talking about me. I feel scared.

So badly I want to open my eyes and cry out: I am here! I am alive! I can hear you!
But I can't speak, either.
I'm trapped in this strange darkness.

Next I hear an awful, high pitched wailing sound.
It takes me a long time before I realize it is sirens.
Then suddenly the sirens stop, and I am jolted by a sudden movement. I feel pressure all over my body, and hear a new set of voices, but I'm not sure what's happening, and still all I see is black.

Then it's silent again except for one voice which mutters hopelessly:

"Hang in there, kid."

And that is the last thing I am aware of for a long, long time.

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