Chapter 42

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A week had passed since the wedding.

When I awoke on Saturday, December 22nd, my room was unusually bright. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, the boxy red numbers read 7:15 in the morning. Rubbing my eyes, I slowly pulled myself from the warm bed. I stepped into my fleece slippers and headed for the living room. After starting my coffee, I walked to the window and drew back the curtains.
Outside was a beautiful sight.


That explains the brightness- the street below, and everything else for that matter, was covered in a sparkling white blanket. Little flakes still fluttered to the ground.

The first snow of the season.

A couple minutes later, my coffee maker beeped, and I peeled my eyes away from the wintery sight.

Though I longed to just huddle up on the couch and read a book or simply watch the snow fall, I begrudgingly bundled up and headed out the door for work.

I stepped out into the brisk morning air and drove carefully to work.

"Good morning!" Caroline said.

She greeted me with a cheery smile when I walked in.

"Good morning," I replied, hanging my coat on the rack.

"I am just so excited for tonight..." She breathed. "Aren't you?"

"Oh yes, very," I said, trying, and failing, to match my tone with hers.

Tonight Mookie Blaylock would perform for the second time ever.

Caroline had been talking about it every day at work for the past three weeks. Since she was dating Mike, I understood her excitement, but it was getting a little annoying.

Also, every time she brought it up, it just reminded me that I would have to face Eddie Vedder again.

And that day was today.

Of course, I could choose to not go... but Xana had already asked if I wanted to carpool, and Jeff had been giving me subtle reminders about it each time I ran into him at the apartment.

Plus I wasn't a coward, and avoiding Eddie would make it seem like I was. So.... I was going.

The rest of the morning passed uneventfully.
Amanda came in at eleven to help wait tables. Once her and Caroline had that covered, I went to the back and started working on organizing records that Jen wanted done.
After some sorting, I filled up a big box and carried it to the front. I set it down with a huff, and then began putting the records on the shelves.

"Need a hand?" A deep voice asked somewhere behind me.

Startled, I turned to see who it was.

Standing a few feet behind me was Mike Starr- giving me his mischievous, close lipped grin.

"Oh, hey," I murmured, recognition in my voice.


"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying not to smile as he walked closer to me.

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