Chapter 31

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                 { -Authors Note- }

Hey, everybody!
Before you begin reading, I thought it was worth mentioning that as I write this chapter, I am currently in Seattle on vacation!

While I'm here, I made it a point to visit a lot of the actual locations of places in the story. Just a few of those that I went to include:

Heather's apartment on the corner of 2nd and Jackson St.

The Central Tavern


Easy Street Records!

I could just imagine Heather walking into any of these places. 🖤
I absolutely love Seattle and, second to the grunge boys, it's my biggest inspiration for writing this story. 

As always, thank you for reading, and now you may continue on with this extra inspired chapter thirty-one 😉

Summer in Seattle rocked along.

On the Fourth of July weekend, my brother and his fiancé Michelle came up from Indiana for the first time.
Despite the rainy weather forecast, we enjoyed a warm and sunny Independence Day together.

That evening as the sun began to set, I drove them to Gas Works Park where we watched the fireworks together. All the colors reflected on Lake Union; it was beautiful.

It was good catching up with Will. He told me that Mom was doing fine since her wreck and was recovering well.

Michelle was okay. Like my brother, she was very educated and looked the part, too. She was pretty but plain, somehow. She wore round, gold rimmed glasses and her brown hair was cut chin length.

She talked continually of her lifelong aspiration to become a doctor. She only had two years left of college until she would receive her masters degree.

"What do you do?" She asked, when she perhaps finally grew bored of talking about herself. "Do you attend one of the universities here? I've heard wonderful things about Washington U."

"Nope," I answered with a smile. "I went to community college for two years back in Indiana. But now I work at a record store over in West Seattle."

"Interesting! Jimi Hendrix is from here, right?"

"That's right."

"My father listened to him back in the day. I'm sure his albums are very popular here?"

I shrugged. "With of our older crowd, yes. But actually there's several newer bands from the area that are starting to get really good."

"Yeah, remember," Will chimed in. "I was telling you that Heather's... ex boyfriend, played in a band."

"Oh yes, that's right."

Michelle folded her hands and leaned her head on Will's shoulder.

"I'm terribly thirsty," she said.

"Why don't I grab us something?" I suggested, relieved at the thought of getting a break from the two.

"You sure, Heather?" Will asked.

"I am. What do you guys want? I'm not really sure if they're selling alcohol or not."

Michelle answered without looking up. "Just a sprite, for me."

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